Funny, Strange, Random Pics

a c i d.f l y

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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I guess if you consider a degree in Mechanical Engineering to have anything to do with biological or ecological science. I have a BS in Comp Sci, would you trust me to speak on the environment? (ಠ_ಠ) Maybe more so than Karen on Facebook, though we're both not really qualified to do so.

"Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from Boston University College of Arts and Sciences with a BA in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics". I have a friend with the exact same degree, a master's in fact, though his degree focus was Latin America Regional. This degree has very little to do with math or actual economics, only a base understanding. Especially as a BA, not a BS. It is very much a Democrat degree, in that it deals more with the social aspects of politics, with a lot of pretending to know how things are actually funded. My buddy earned his masters taking the bare minimum of math/economics courses - Statistics 101, 102, Macro and Microeconomics 101, and maybe one or two more introductory classes. I could be completely wrong about AOC, but I don't have her transcript. Though you can look at the required coursework on their website. This isn't the same as a Degree in Economics.

Required Principal Courses
Required principal courses are designed to develop a general understanding of the economic, political, historic, and geographic factors that influence the international system. Students must take all four of the courses listed below; students selecting the functional track in international economics, business, and politics must take CAS EC 392 or QST IM 345 in place of CAS IR 292. All students must take IR 349 and IR 350 as offered at Boston University; no substitutes will be accepted for these two courses.
  • CAS IR 271 Introduction to International Relations
  • CAS IR 292 Fundamentals of International Economics (CAS EC 101 and EC 102 are prerequisite courses)
  • CAS IR 349 History of International Relations, 1900–1945
  • CAS IR 350 History of International Relations since 1945
CAS EC 392 International Macroeconomics
QST IM 445 Multinational Management

International Economics, Business, and Politics Track

Students planning to take the international economics, business, and politics track must take CAS EC 392 or QST IM 345 rather than CAS IR 292 as a principal required course. CAS EC 202 is a prerequisite for CAS EC 392. CAS EC 202 will be credited toward the international economics, business, and politics track.

  • CAS EC 201 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (prerequisite for CAS EC 391)
  • CAS EC 202 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (prerequisite for CAS EC 392)
  • CAS EC 320 Economics of Less-Developed Regions
  • CAS EC 369 Economic Development of Latin America
  • CAS EC 370 The Chinese Economy
  • CAS EC 391 International Economics I
  • CAS IR 304 Environmentally Sustainable Development (meets with CAS GE 304)
  • CAS IR 308 Introduction to Global Resource Geopolitics: Natural Resources, Development, and Conflict (meets with CAS GE 308)
  • CAS IR 322 Governing Crises: The Political Economy of Financial Booms and Busts
  • CAS IR 340 Comparative Public Policy (meets with CAS PO 324)
  • CAS IR 365 Rise of China (meets with CAS PO 352)
  • CAS IR 368 Contemporary East Asian Economics (meets with CAS EC 368)
  • CAS IR 369 Southeast Asia in World Politics (meets with CAS PO 354)
  • CAS IR 373 Global Governance and International Organization (meets with CAS PO 384)
  • CAS IR 390 International Political Economy (meets with CAS PO 329)
  • CAS IR 395 North-South Relations (meets with CAS PO 328)
  • CAS IR 399 Fundamentals of Global Money
  • CAS IR 441 Immigration and Development in Asia
  • QST IM 445 Multinational Management
  • QST SI 475 Global Management Experience
  • CAS EC 591 International Economics
  • CAS EC 595 International Finance
  • CAS EC 598 The Economics of Globalization
  • CAS GE 555 World Oil Markets
  • CAS GE 560 Energy Transitions
  • CAS IR 512 Global Resource Geopolitics (meets with CAS GE 506)
  • CAS IR 527 Political Economy of China (meets with CAS PO 548)
  • CAS IR 532 Trade Law and Development
  • CAS IR 545 The Arctic and Global Politics
  • CAS IR 571 Global Money
  • CAS IR 590 Political Economy of Latin America (meets with CAS PO 562)
  • CAS IR 592 Economic Development and International Organizations
  • CAS IR 593 Grassroots Finance in Africa and the Developing World
  • CAS IR 596 Globalization and Contemporary Capitalism in Advanced Industrialized Nations (meets with CAS PO 529)
  • CAS IR 597 Development and Environment in Latin America (meets with CAS GE 597)
  • CAS PO 528 Seminar: The Political Economy of Advanced Industrialized Societies

But this isn't the politics thread, so I won't really follow-up on this. And looking this up really made me want to go back to school... for a minute, cuz yeah, fuck doing that again.

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Millie's Staff Member
Ive noticed for a long time that Hardy typically has some kind of affliction to give his character as much as an excuse as possible to speak as little as possible or with a distorted effect

I think it was 2012’s “Lawless” where his characters throat gets cut where I first started picking up on this

compare his performance as Shinzon in Nemesis


This movie is literally just him talking. I am a massive fan, and this movie was shit.
  • 2Worf
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