these kinds of things are extremely misleading. outside of russia, every single one of those countries can fit inside USA and still have plenty of room left over. and russia's population is mostly smashed up against the european side. the US, on the other hand, has a much more even spread. sure you have places in the northern midwest like the dakota's that are just extreme tracts of land without many people, but for the most part you have all kinds of people spread out across the country.
now, the population of the US is about 328 million. that gives us an infection rate of just the tiniest smidgeon over .5%. 0.5% of the us population has coronavirus.
for a comparison... let's look at, say the united kingdom. they have a population of 66.6 million. which means that about 4.1% of the population has coronavirus.
now let's look at death rates. US death rates are about 5.8% (basically what every source keeps saying) whereas United Kingdom's death rate is JUUUUST shy of 14%
the same people that are complaining about american medicine and insurance are the same people saying we should have the same kind of medical coverage that would cost us over TRIPLE the amount of deaths.
but hey, tell us more shocking stats that imply all kinds of incorrect information.