Shit yes ladies, Wayne Douglas Barlowe.
One of the first "art" books I ever purchased was his guide to book/movie extraterrestrials back in the early 90s. Super legit; still have it hah.
I was obsessed with "After Man" by Dougal Dixon as a kid. It was a a zoology book of how animals might evolve if humans went extinct. It took the premise of most domesticated things or large fauna not living much past the era of man, and things like rats or birds or rabbits and the like basically evolving and filling the niches left open. I had borrowed it from the school I was at in grade school, but I have no clue what happened to it. I can't remember if I ever brought it back or just lost it. I remember trying to find a 2nd hand copy at The Strand in NYC about a decade ago (one of the biggest used book stores in the world pretty much), but with no success. He also made another book about what would have happened if the dinosaur extinction event never happened. He had Troodons evolve into intelligent humanoids if I recall, on the basis of their fossils having an impressive brain to body ratio.