What's with the double navel?
Thats a wasp. Bees as long as they arent africanized are usually pretty chill. Problem is africanized hives, as that incredibly amplifies their defensive instincts. Where as a normal hive would send a few guard bees to deter a "threat" and only pursue it 10-20 feet, a africanized hive will send out hundreds of bees and pursue a threat few hundred feet.
This bro walks right up to a swarm of bees and steal's thier queen without any problems.
Killer bees are calming down - High Country News
The gentling of “Africanized” bees in Mexico bodes well for beekeeping in the southern U.S.www.hcn.org
between natural and artificial selection, and a generally smaller NEED for crazy aggro, most killer bees that pop up in the US tame down in only a couple of seasons.
That said, there's always psychos, hybred or not.