As the son of a different 20odd yr teacher, you really don't want this fight. Maybe it all adds up on paper, School is in session between X and Y, teacher gets payed Z, math math math down to an hourly rate, and boom "hrm, that's a good wage". But that math is 100% horseshit. There isn't a teacher alive that doesn't spend 2-5 hrs a night, 6 days a week of their own off the clock time doing School bullshit. Lesson plans, grading, meetings. And that's not counting bringing in their own supplies, and in some cases buying additional copies of textbooks for the classroom.
You take those additional hours into account, and that wage starts going well into "well this isn't livable" range.
Like many other "social good" jobs, the market has priced a certain amount of "they do it because they love the kids"/"want to make a better future"/other not real cash... "pay" into the pay structure for teachers. And, despite teachers unions, every year the run of the mill teacher gets pushed a little harder; shit goes a little more downhill.
As the son of a different 20odd yr teacher, you really don't want this fight. Maybe it all adds up on paper, School is in session between X and Y, teacher gets payed Z, math math math down to an hourly rate, and boom "hrm, that's a good wage". But that math is 100% horseshit. There isn't a teacher alive that doesn't spend 2-5 hrs a night, 6 days a week of their own off the clock time doing School bullshit. Lesson plans, grading, meetings. And that's not counting bringing in their own supplies, and in some cases buying additional copies of textbooks for the classroom.
You take those additional hours into account, and that wage starts going well into "well this isn't livable" range.
Like many other "social good" jobs, the market has priced a certain amount of "they do it because they love the kids"/"want to make a better future"/other not real cash... "pay" into the pay structure for teachers. And, despite teachers unions, every year the run of the mill teacher gets pushed a little harder; shit goes a little more downhill.
As the son of a different 20odd yr teacher, you really don't want this fight. Maybe it all adds up on paper, School is in session between X and Y, teacher gets payed Z, math math math down to an hourly rate, and boom "hrm, that's a good wage". But that math is 100% horseshit. There isn't a teacher alive that doesn't spend 2-5 hrs a night, 6 days a week of their own off the clock time doing School bullshit. Lesson plans, grading, meetings. And that's not counting bringing in their own supplies, and in some cases buying additional copies of textbooks for the classroom.
You take those additional hours into account, and that wage starts going well into "well this isn't livable" range.
Like many other "social good" jobs, the market has priced a certain amount of "they do it because they love the kids"/"want to make a better future"/other not real cash... "pay" into the pay structure for teachers. And, despite teachers unions, every year the run of the mill teacher gets pushed a little harder; shit goes a little more downhill.
What fight? Do they make a living wage? In general, yes. Out here their income is right next to median income with robust benefits thrown on top. That's not bad for one certificate and one undergrad degree.
I don't care what they pay teachers, that wasn't the point of my post (reading comprehension would go a long way with you I see). Let me explain it for the thread titled "Funny, Random and Strange pictures" you need to (now listen carefully, assmunch) POST A GOD DAMN PICTURE.
Bella Thorne-- that kid has some charmed life! Smokes, drinks, travels all over the world, has an adoring entourage...
Yet she is just so plain Jane hot! Especially in candids.
one of my best friends is a teacher. he teaches full time at a high school as well as teaching a few night classes at a local college. no one teaches for the money, it's absolute trash. it's actually kind of sad watching his slowly lose his mind because the thing that he's actually passionate about (learning) is what is killing him. he's got 3 young kids that he hardly ever has time for because just teaching one job doesn't pay the bills.
the whole argument that teachers get paid enough is fundamentally nonsensical, especially when you consider how important education is to society, compared to how important actors and athletes are and how much they get paid.
As the son of a different 20odd yr teacher, you really don't want this fight. Maybe it all adds up on paper, School is in session between X and Y, teacher gets payed Z, math math math down to an hourly rate, and boom "hrm, that's a good wage". But that math is 100% horseshit. There isn't a teacher alive that doesn't spend 2-5 hrs a night, 6 days a week of their own off the clock time doing School bullshit. Lesson plans, grading, meetings. And that's not counting bringing in their own supplies, and in some cases buying additional copies of textbooks for the classroom.
You take those additional hours into account, and that wage starts going well into "well this isn't livable" range.
Like many other "social good" jobs, the market has priced a certain amount of "they do it because they love the kids"/"want to make a better future"/other not real cash... "pay" into the pay structure for teachers. And, despite teachers unions, every year the run of the mill teacher gets pushed a little harder; shit goes a little more downhill.
guessing, not high school, and if high school, in the lower echelon of class school
18 years of public higher ed and 2 private HS admin, wife 5 years public 5 years private teaching 2 years private admin - come at me with this bullshit, most teachers are lazy and QQ about everything...esp now...oh noes coronas we are ganna die!!
Teachers make 90% of the time, a decent salary.
Most of the "problem" is they are mostly female "workers" i.e. teachers, and they are NOT good at turning work shit off when they need to... if their admins are men, they will be men and push for max output...if there is no resistance, they will keep pushing... women in general will not directly resist...they will gossip and QQ to their besties and eventually the union... the union will question of admins and the admins will say...they never said anything - and that will be true...
If the admins are woman, whew...imo thats WORSE.. woman v women are horrific... women HATE EACH OTHER...fact...
IMO the problem comes down to, well, the unions and boards have made teacher pay, raises and salary universal, cross board... so, there is no pay to punish OR reward.
Shanquisha who does jack and shit starts off at 45k a year and gets her 3-5% pay bump every year and will hit pension in 20-30 years of doing jack and shit.
Debbie will work her tits off and love every damn student that crosses her classroom door, pay for so much out of school stuff it is insane, hold bday parties and do all this stuff on top of teaching and going outside the "rules" to better teach Jill and Sally and Billy... 45k a year and 3-5% pay increase.
Shanquisha will bitch to the union if there is a faculty meeting that ends at 3:55 not 3:45 and cry about it for the next five weeks.
Debbie will be there till 7pm fixing Shanquisha's room and doing her paper work she wont do because its off hours etc.
Bella Thorne-- that kid has some charmed life! Smokes, drinks, travels all over the world, has an adoring entourage...
Yet she is just so plain Jane hot! Especially in candids.