My dad on board the U.S.S. Missouri, somewhere in the Sea of Japan circa 1951. He loved his country and put his ass on the line to prove it.
He was a great patriot.
He was no 'loser' or 'sucker'
I did the same, after coming from a long line of military men going back to WW1. When I was born, my dad was in the gulf of Tonkin and did not see me for the first 6 months of my life. Me and my brother both served at various times and were both put on active alerts for deployment into various incidents around the globe. Now dont get me wrong, I served in peacetime so all I did was drink shit beer and try to bang strippers but I was not some MOS that would not be deployed at the first sign of trouble. The pic below is from a field problem I was running powder for before I was reassigned to driver and Number 1 man on an M109 Howitzer so I could never take pictures again because I was to busy firing the gun to take such awesome pictures again.
Now take a stab how my entire military family will be voting in Nov? I am career lurker and the only reason I am posting this is because your anti-Trump stuff is out of control for this Funny, Strange, and Random board. You have an axe to grind, I get it. However posting a picture of your dad to somehow validate your stance is pretty much stolen valor. If you served, I will call you brother or sister because you will always be family to me but unless you took the oath, keep this bullshit in political area.
I haven't blocked you yet because you are funny, sometimes. Keep in mind, this is coming from a career lurker who never involves himself in such affairs and even I am like BRAH, you are out of control

Your dad is a hero, he has my respect, even tho he was a dirty squid and that is coming from the son of a dirty squid.
**PS, this is pretty much the best picture I have ever taken in my life. If you look closely you can see the round going down range.