Am I the only one who's never seen a goddamn thing in a magic eye picture and is convinced that it's some elaborate prank that all of you are in on?
Oh they're real, and once you can do it well, you can put 2 of those 'find the 10 differences!' pictures side by side and the differences pop RIGHT out at you, it's like cheating
Only works if you have 2 eyes. Easiest way to explain it, is to keep reading and focusing on this (assuming its a monitor 2-3 feet away and not a phone), while doing that and not averting your gaze, put up two fingers about a foot in front of you, like you're using 2 hands to make a goalpost for a paper football

If you're still reading this, play with your focus a bit to make 3 perfect fingers out of 2.
If that worked, somehow do the same for the picture, but instead of using a finger for a reference point, use the repeating pattern (like the eye below), almost like you're ignoring the monitor and focusing on something a few feet behind it. Hope that helps...someone lol