Thread? I am banned from that entire area!
Lightning Lord Rule, the owner and final authority on everything that happens on this site, went above and around the Mods to ban me from that entire section of the forum (the opt in area). It was done because I was mean and annoying to users like Booze, Mario and others and they got a lot of reports (and just can't even).
Apparently, if you are mean to people who espouse garbage like gassing jews, shooting "wakandans" and lynching "unpure blood" that will earn you a ban from ever posting in certain areas (two of those people have light blue names and are called BoozeCube and Mario Speedwagon). So just make sure you NEVER point out that Lightning Lord Rule, the owner and final authority on everything that happens here, has backed up and defended people that want to gas jews, shoot "joggers" and could be(allegedly) 2 steps away from being mosque shooters and you will be safe.
But hey, at least he didn't ban me right before he took that entire section of the forum private!
NARRATOR : "He did ban him right before he took that entire section of the forum private."

Here is the 5th coolest plane from WW2 by the way.

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