Funny, Strange, Random Pics
Marmac Molten Core Raider 1,467 101 Dec 28, 2012 #1,542 We got bombarded this year... Click to expand... Worse in my area.
Fedor <Banned> 17,344 47,328 Dec 28, 2012 #1,550 600-pound couple starved daughter, made her eat human waste
Kaige <WoW Guild Officer> <WoW Guild Officer> 5,611 12,806 Dec 29, 2012 #1,554 There aren't that many downright funny webcomics out there, butOglafis one of them.
theprediger Trakanon Raider 15 20 Dec 29, 2012 #1,556 lurkingdirk_sl said: Click to expand... where is that from?