I am not normally one to argue around here, but I had to say something in response to this nonsense.
Only the ignorant, or the ideologically driven, go around throwing these sorts of numbers around like they are fact.
PLEASE, educate yourself.
For starters, Testicular Cancer is not as prevalent as Breast Cancer, and gets far less attention.
It helps that even the WORST cases have a ~72% chance of survival BECAUSE OF CHEMO THERAPY.
Yes, some cancers are almost impossible to fight and its sometimes better to just live as fully as possible until it either goes away or kills you. But not all.
Saying ALL cancer is this way, only risks taking the hope that an equally ignorant person has, and helps fuel the ridiculous hate of pharmaceutical companies that create the drugs used to treat cancer.
They continue to do so, in spite of the MASSIVE costs and risks involved in trying to (often futilely) save people suffering from such deadly issues.
NO ONE (sane) likes to be told they are dieing. NO ONE likes to be fed chemicals that may not work in preventing their death. And NO ONE likes it when their friends and family die is SPITE of the steps taken to try and save them... But blaming the companies that create the chemo that failed to save them, is like blaming aspirin manufacturers for not stopping your heart attack, or antacid manufacturers for not preventing that ulcer from hemorrhaging. Or insulin manufacturers for not stopping your diabetes from destroying your vascular system, leading to blindness and amputation.
Its not their fault anyone gets cancer, and blaming them for not saving more is stupid.
Instead of being hateful, be thankful for those that get saved, and try to make the lives of those who aren't as full as possible, till the end.