<Silver Donator>
Fake.... until I build my next house.Fake.
Was on Reddit.
Unrelated : things my wife convinces me to buy...
Fake.... until I build my next house.Fake.
Was on Reddit.
Using a banana for scale is a "meme" on imgur. Imgurians make "jokes" about needing a banana for scale more often than bananas are actually posted.who the fuck uses banana peels for scale?
Using a banana for scale is a "meme" on imgur. Imgurians make "jokes" about needing a banana for scale more often than bananas are actually posted.
Welcome - What Real Women Look LikeLol im only twice the weight I should be for my height, no biggy. Im 6 feet and if I weighed 360 or so pounds I would consider myself massively obese.
Ok. Pics later to assuage the gods since I'm browsing mobile, but I assume by fat and insulin resistance that they're referring to Type 2 diabetes which has been shown to be a direct result of diet and lifestyle with some genetic predisposition.