At one point in time I was running a tabletop RPG game (Pathfinder). The characters were riding along with a caravan, and the caravan handyman/cart repair guy was named Bo. One side quest chain was going to have them find out he bore a curse and they'd have to discover his past (which he didn't know about because he was found as a child and adopted into the caravan). They found an encrypted journal of a necromancer/summoner who was trying to make Bo the perfect vessel for an outside to inhabit. Each week I'd let them pull a random snippet to represent what they had figured out of the code. Eventually it was revealed that his full name was Bophades, when they found him as a child he was a toddler and only knew his name was Bo. Eventually much later they would find out that his mother was the necromancers house maid, named Doris Knuttz.
That was close to a year set up and play out all for the stare I knew I would get from one of my players.....
Oblig and Random of coins I cast today in my growing obsession with melting metals... Brass got dirt cheap at a local thrift store and made into....