Weak, beta men are responsible for a lot of suffering in our world today. Not referring to your father but idiots who created systems that allows women to be vindictive cunts. Sadly family courts and law enforcement involving domestic matters are clown worlds thanks to dipshit men.Watched my real dad scrape to get by because my mom would take him to court non stop for child support and alimony. She even gets 75% of whatever he sells his house for if he ever sells cause it wrapped up that way. If she was to pass away before him, we would still get that 75% if he sold then. He is a huge piece of shit, but there was just no escape for him and that whole situation has given me an irrational fear of not only getting married, but having children.
Then, if that wasnt warning enough - Ive watched my brother get cleaned out by two different wives. Child support for three kids and alimony for two wives, plus the houses he's lost in court and the assets he's had to sell. He had been divorced from his first wife for.. fuck, a year? two years? She found out that he had a nice ass zero turn mower and she managed to fucking get that thing.
Ive been around arguments between my mom and my stepdad and seen where he has tried to leave her on multiple occasions and its freaky how quickly he does an about face when she starts talking about all the real estate she has rights too.
Then again, after laying it all out like that.. Im not sure Im being irrational. Maybe Im sane and you guys that are married and/or have kids have balls of fucking steel.
Notice how you know what all the guys are famous for, but the ex wives? ha
Don't marry shitty vindictive people, and don't be a shitty person against whom people will want vindication.Watched my real dad scrape to get by because my mom would take him to court non stop for child support and alimony. She even gets 75% of whatever he sells his house for if he ever sells cause it wrapped up that way. If she was to pass away before him, we would still get that 75% if he sold then. He is a huge piece of shit, but there was just no escape for him and that whole situation has given me an irrational fear of not only getting married, but having children.
Then, if that wasnt warning enough - Ive watched my brother get cleaned out by two different wives. Child support for three kids and alimony for two wives, plus the houses he's lost in court and the assets he's had to sell. He had been divorced from his first wife for.. fuck, a year? two years? She found out that he had a nice ass zero turn mower and she managed to fucking get that thing.
Ive been around arguments between my mom and my stepdad and seen where he has tried to leave her on multiple occasions and its freaky how quickly he does an about face when she starts talking about all the real estate she has rights too.
Then again, after laying it all out like that.. Im not sure Im being irrational. Maybe Im sane and you guys that are married and/or have kids have balls of fucking steel.
Notice how you know what all the guys are famous for, but the ex wives? ha
Some of us just don't like kids. Some of us don't want to spend a million dollars raising one.How to say you don't have children without saying you don't have children.
Edit - Inb4 the "loving your child is a chemical and instinctual response to prevent you from eating them."
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