Thanks for pointing out your particular kink.
She must be related to a Habsburg or Mac Tonight.
In one of the Swiss nuclear power plant, they drilled holes on the inner steel containment vessel (who is supposed to hold the pressure and the radioactivity in case of problem) to install hand held fire extinguisher (very usefull in case of meltdown).
In one of the Swiss nuclear power plant, they drilled holes on the inner steel containment vessel (who is supposed to hold the pressure and the radioactivity in case of problem) to install hand held fire extinguisher (very usefull in case of meltdown).
Took them 8 years to notice.
Did you know that Switzerland has one of the 10 most severe nuclear incident of a power plant ? it was a small reactor, but still.
View attachment 479388
Darn you, I was just about to reply with a Mac Tonight picture.