Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Canuckistani Terrorist
I see my hometown hasn't changed at all. Like the Stony Trail "streetscaping" bullshit. You can't un-ghetto the ghetto with art!
Calgary does the same artsy useless shit too, like that animated litebrite sign of people just walking, by downtown, cost upwards of 3 million just for that. Funny how its next to the largest homeless shelter in Canada.

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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Calgary does the same artsy useless shit too, like that animated litebrite sign of people just walking, by downtown, cost upwards of 3 million just for that. Funny how its next to the largest homeless shelter in Canada.


Calgary is pretty well known for it's shitty art buys. That big blue circle lamp on Airport way for example...$500k...there's so many others all over. That walking people sign beside the homeless shelter/rehab is a great troll job.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If they're that good/fast/ambitious, they likely already have a criminal record and can't get hired for anything that pays worth a damn.

Intentional or not, the US has done a damn fine job of making crime the best logical choice some people can make.

Sure, sure, there was whatever fuckwitery got them pinned in the first place; most of the time that is truly on them. And some will always be Goons. But there's a portion who want to come out and stay clean, but look at the choice between furniture mover/burger flipper, under the table <something>, or go back to what they know.


Like a lot of property crime, I look at how much effort it took and think "If you fucks worked that hard at a legit job you would have made more money".

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