Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Ssraeszha Raider
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<Silver Donator>

Hi! THATS MY LEG! To clear up the lies and bullshit about everything posted here I decided to post the real story. Excuse my bad formatting as Im typing this on my phone in bed.

About 3 weeks ago, I saw a couple bumps on my foot that looked like mosquito bites. A couple of days later it grew and was all on my legs, arms, and butt. I went to the doctor and he told me it was HS-Purpura and it wasnt contagious. He checked for diabetes but my blood was fine. He prescribed me Cephalexin and Prednisone.

I had a huge tournament coming up and I asked if I could go. Advising highly against it because of my immune system, he said I could but I shouldnt. I went anyways.

During the day, it feels fine. Slowly deterriorating until night time where I couldnt even walk. At night its unbearable burning pain where I couldnt even sleep. I never had fevers, chills, or anything. Just intense burning throbbing pain.

I had sat down and played blackjack for a couple hours into the morning because it hurt to lay down. Unfortunately, I got up from blackjack and felt really dizzy, blacking out on the casino floor for a couple minutes. Afterwards, I got up and felt completely refreshed.

Fast forward, I received advice to soak in epsom salt. I did it. Off my Cephalexin and Prednisone, thats all I did. It helped ease the pain but not by much. It got so intense, I went into Marina Hospital ER. They IV'd me and a lot of antibiotics. They said blood work was fine and ultra sound was fine. So they sent me home, advising me to go to UCLA Medical soon.

Into the night after the hospital, I had intense stomach pains and basically throwing up nothing but it hurt so much. About 6am, I asked my friend to take me to UCLA ER because I couldnt handle the pain. As I was admitted, they did the same old IV, but they gave me something that numbed my stomach and throat. Again, blood tests and ultra sound was fine. They set me up with an dermatologist for next Tuesday and prescribed me more Prednisone.

So now I just wait til Tuesday. The pus is oozing out by itself with a foul rotten smell but its all scabbing up. At night, my left leg still gives out on me. Thats basically it, it only pusses from my legs, but theres spots all over my legs and arms.

TLDR; went to doctor and two hospitals, they dont know shit. Have blisters on my legs and rashes on my arms.

EDIT: I did go to Vietnam from January to April of this year. This happened last week of June. I havent been sick much in my life. My parents and brother have never had this. I had chicken pox when I was young. Everything depends on the appointment on Tuesday I guess _. Oh and Marina ER doctor says she thinks its vasculotis with a secondary infection but not sure.

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