Everysingle white person grows up in million dollar suburbs going to 99.9% white schools and all get into the most prestigious universities with ease.God damnit. This could really go in the jimjam rustling thread, but whatever. What the fuck is with this shit? I guess on the plus side, people who feel guilty about their "whatever privilege" are the types of people that won't make anything of themselves anyway. Still annoying though.
Spoilering for length, cause this shit is retarded long.
This Comic Perfectly Explains What White Privilege Is
Everysingle white person grows up in million dollar suburbs going to 99.9% white schools and all get into the most prestigious universities with ease.
Also they get all of those minority scholarships just for being white!Everysingle white person grows up in million dollar suburbs going to 99.9% white schools and all get into the most prestigious universities with ease.
This person does realize that whites are 72.4% of the population, correct? So a split of 71% white and 29% "other" for bachelors is actuallygood, right, in fact it might prove whites are disadvantaged by a few % (lol)? Unless she meant that whites have a 71%completion rate, while minorities have a 29%? I'm not even sure her intent here.
They're definitely not 72.4% of the college aged population.This person does realize that whites are 72.4% of the population, correct? So a split of 71% white and 29% "other"
Have you ever taken a statistics course? It would be applied in this situation.They're definitely not 72.4% of the college aged population.
I have a degree in stats. I'm trying to figure out if the number they pulled out of their ass was graduates THAT year or the total population of college graduates. The numbers given are super vague. If it's the former then they're making a good point and if it's the latter they're an idiot.Have you ever taken a statistics course? It would be applied in this situation.