Its been a while, but my sole interactions were mainly shit where he wanted his monk alt to tag along for faction hits or we would trade epic parts for upper level spells. Despite his reputation, FOH mostly got on well with other guilds on the server until Time more or less broke every social moor remaining in EQ. There was one zerg guild (Celestial Tomb) that would steamroll people a lot and fuck with everyone, but most guilds above a certain tier generally kept the peace on Veeshan even when we hated one another. Most of the server was aware of the side drama due to Fanfaires and such, however. Only time I met him in person was to get him to sign my collectors edition of Wow at the intial release at Fry's back in the day. Seemed like your typical alpha male asshole and was generally reasonable to our B rate guild in the game.
I know Time basically fucked the status quo forever. Our guild disbanded over it and I retired over it and most of the A tier guilds had major issues around then. I signed on for a short stint with one just to see it and remember how fucking stupid the design and tuning was. A lot of big names that had been on the server since the beginning faded out over that, not just in FOH. Its hard enough to keep a lid on drama with 18-24 people. And then I saw the shitshow that zerging up for time caused. Suprised he did not nope out sooner, frankly.
(Varia and Raistin if they are still around can confirm/correct/fill in details on a lot of the above. My memory is a bit foggy since it was 20 years ago.)
I am not happy to see him get smeared, but given what I know/have heard its not surprising. Both due to his rep and how much of a toxic shit pool Blizzard has become over recent years. I am surprised to hear he was even still working there, frankly.