what Suineg set it to
How is this patently false? I provided a 1942 copy of the TD Field Manual which in general terms anticipates German armor punching through lines at all times and suggests masses of mobile TD forces to counter this. This is backed up by obvious physical markers such as the design characteristics of American TDs, which in every way differed from other armies of the era, just as their tactics did. TD tactics, and therefore by extension mobile armor tactics, were dictated by a rampant fear of the unstoppable Blitzkrieg. That they seldom worked out that way is why the last vestiges of the doctrine were gone by the end of the war, and the T26 and 76mm HVAP werefinallypursued in earnest due to the Normandy 'tank panic' partly caused by the Panther suddenly appearing in far greater numbers than originally planned. Unfortunately, the various branches of the army never quite agreed until too late in the war. Even then, once the 76mm conversions began to counter the presence of Panthers and the odd Tiger1 & KTs, it was only ever planned for ~20-25% of M4s to have this upgrade - they still relied on the TD principles even if the overall strategy had by this point proven to be a failure.The TD doctrine was there because the Army was mainly run by infantry officers so the tank had to be an infantry support vehicle and it proved a failure as was quickly seen in the ETO. Palum is claiming tactically this was because we were defensive by nature in response to German tactics which is patently false. As Erronious is linking above the Germans were tactically defensive and why is that? Because in every fucking theatre we invaded with the purpose of crushing the Nazi scum.
You, on the other hand, just keep repeating that it's false. You Misting?