game pass is currently $2 for 4 months of gamepass ultimate
step 1: join gamepass PC here for $1 for 3 months
step 2: upgrade to game pass ultimate for $1 for 1 month
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sadly only new subs, and i'd recommend after doing step 1 to add 2-3 years of gold or gamepass to your account BEFORE converting as that'll give you 3 years of gamepass ultimate. once you convert new codes for gold/gamepass (regular) convert at a lower ratio, but the first time you go from regular to ultimate you get 1:1 conversion.
Maybe I'm missing it but after Step 1 I see no option to "add 2-3 years" to the account. Is that just via finding the cards/codes off eBay or wherever and adding the time that way so that it totals up to the 2-3 years?