I would agree with you if it wasn't for Forza 5 having the ability to upgrade the vanilla game to ultimate for $49.99 or an entire segment of DLC separate purchases outside of that. (Which honestly, didn't irk me as much because it saved me from purchasing ultimate)
Ubisoft includes all their ultimate editions within their service.
With that said, Microsoft holds the cards. they could easily say GOTY editions of legacy games are what they will support - and publishers get paid per download anyway. In fact, some 3rd party games are complete (Like Pillars of Eternity and it's sequel) Yet MS owns Outer Worlds - No DLC. They Own Fallout 4 - No DLC. They own New Vegas, no DLC. Christ, even Morrowind and Oblivion are still charging for DLC and only giving the Vanilla game. These are all 1st party. Pretty obvious what the intent here is and also what was pitched to 3rd party.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Starfield. I would bet we see a plethora of GaaS shit and a baseline game which resembles free to play.
We will see what Gamepass is really supposed to be in my opinion solidified after seeing the Starfield release. (Which is charging a subscription to baseline a target market for DLC and MTX) over giving true value that they won't even do with games that are 10+ years old.
Conspiracy theory with some weight to it in my opinion: Free to play now locked behind a subscription to baseline the game to sell MTX and DLC - basically a way to capture revenue on traditional F2P titles; IE: Market Conditioning.
And let's be honest, most 1st party games from MS have been pure dogshit since the advent of Gamepass. Halo Infinite is a great example. Not to mention State of Decay 2 (Which admittedly has gotten better) Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves (Finally gotten better) - With Finally gotten better meaning years since release.
Most games in general have been dogshit whether related to MS or not since the advent of Game Pass. So, not exactly a solid point.
Not going to pretend to know the publishing terms of every game or franchise. And you may be right. Or like I said perhaps it's a distinction without a difference.
From my perspective, and the point I was making, is when it comes to Game Pass you end up sounding like the guys that hate on Steam because a game studio isn't releasing patches or their ISP can't stay connected.
Take the issue that started this discussion. Literally a problem with a game publisher being dicks that isn't exclusive to Game Pass.
The industry has issues and bad standards of practice, as do game sub services. I'm not sure why it's Xboxes job to fix things within the industry. And they seem to be trying to force some change, but we'll see how it plays out.
What game was it that Xbox negotiated a special patch just for Xbox platforms and people flipped out and got pissed at Xbox and the game developers, as if all patches are universal to all platforms or doing an Xbox patch meant they'd used up all the patch resources and patches for other platforms were then no longer possible.
The practice of offering the base game for free and then having paid expansions or micro transactions is a symptom of the industry, that as you said all services do, not something unique to Game Pass to be uniquely criticized.
Ubisoft's service is a specific service to give access to Ubisoft games. Just a bad comparison to Game Pass.
I guess the question I have is what do you think Game Pass is supposed to be? Because I don't think it's what you want it to be, but criticizing it for the sins of the industry as a whole is weird when there are plenty of very specific and unique criticisms of Game Pass, Xbox and MS to be made.
For instance, the shit show of Forza Horizon 5 is a good example, but still I don't think it's some plan or purpose of Game Pass to provide incomplete base games because the real money is in tricking people into paying for DLCs or micro transactions. That's just how the industry works, and it sucks. And still there is probably some stupid contract where Xbox gets publishing rights but the studio wanted to keep upgrade or dlc pay only for their revenue or some shit.
Maybe I'm just a naive fanboy, but the annoyances like these seem to be a symptom of the gaming industry at the core dictating shit standards, not some plan or even preference of the game services like steam or Game Pass or PlayStation Network. Singling out one and pretending it's a unique issue to that platform/service doesn't make sense to me.