i posted in p5 thread but if you want 1 month trial gamepass ultimate do this
you can get a free 1 month gamepass ultimate trial go here
signup and all that shit, tell it you have a doritos code and use these codes
they are all generic codes on doritos bags so you can just take photos in store and redeem. not worth going ham since you can only redeem 1 single 1 month code, it won't work on existing accounts or stack or anything
won't work on an existing gp account or stack so pointless for those of us who already have it.
For anyone looking for a game to play, I've been playing The Forgotten City its a neat mystery/adventure game with a time loop element, pretty easy and TA says it takes 7-10 hours to 100%. It leaves gamepass in 10 days, 10/31, plenty of time to 100%. I pick one game leaving gamepass thats 4-10 hours and try to 100% every month, did Echo Generations earlier and enjoyed it. Good way to try out different games that I normally would never play (mostly indie games) which gamepass is amazing for