Games that gave you the most bang for your buck


Lord Nagafen Raider
No Fallout love?

I'd say the entire Fallout franchise has had huge re-playability, especially with the modding community for the FPS ones. New Vegas was a different game with addons. It was like 2 for 1.

Also, every final fantasy up to FFX-2 was always big bang for my buck.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Civ 1/3/4 (FFH mod is really what made 4 have such a long shelf life - still play it)
WarCraft II


Blackwing Lair Raider
Any Madden game? Ridiculous amount of playtime with those.
I think I had over 300 days played on my BL in EQ. High school is still a blur.
Final Fantasy 9 - I must've beaten this game about 7 times, and each time is probably 40+ hours into it.
Zelda:OoT and ALttP - Beaten each of these at least 10 times, never gets old.
SC2 - Dumped a lot of hours into this shit.
WoW - Especially since I don't pay for my own sub (raid leader bought me a year, idk why).
LotR: Battle for Middle Earth - holy shit did I play this game endlessly. Terrible, terrible game, but fuck me Rohan was so OP.


That guy
For me:

WoW/EQ. It really is hard to beat MMO's when it comes to money spent per hour played.
CS (can't beat free for original CS)
Mass Effect series (I've played through 1 and 2 probably 5 or 6 times each, 50+ hrs each time)
Civ 4/5
StarCraft 2
Final Fantasy X. Not the best of the series but dear god I have spent a lot of time playing it. Think I maxed out the clock on two different save files at 99:59.


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer element only. Considering it was an afterthought to the SP game I'm still playing it over a year after it's release and see nothing changing that anytime soon. Prior to that it'd be Adventure on the Atari, Chucky Egg 2 on the ZX Spectrum, Turrican on the Amiga, Goldeneye on the N64, and FF7 on the PS.

If we're allowing MMOs into the equation then FF11 would be mine. While EQ holds a place in my heart the world of FF11 was so beautifully polished I lost years of my life in it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How could I forget Rise of Nations. Probably played that for close to 2 years. Very under rated RTS imo


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I call those my "best buys" of the year awards. It used to be just pc games, but now I've extended it to any form of entertainment or tools.

In my gaming category:
1) Neverwinter Nights (including the two main expansions.
2) Mount & Blade
3) EQ
4) Blood Bowl (all three)

Neverwinter Nights: I know I have over 500+ hours played. Between the main campaigns, private servers, RP servers, DM guided games, my own modding work (converting it into 40K). I got so many hours of fun out of this game, I eventually got the platinum edition just to stay up to date. So far no game has dethroned NWN. NWN2 was a flop, I pirated the expansions in protest. Right now I'm entertaining the idea of updated the graphics so that I can use it to run our rpg games with it.

Mount & Blade: 500+ hours, way too many to even know. I know I played this game for years back when it was still alpha and all the new factions didn't exist. I played this game back when you couldn't join swadians or vaegirans, they were just some random armies wandering the map. I still remember the Black riders that would invade every once in a while. Aside from that I spent many months doing artwork for the 1866 mod.

EQ: nuff said.

Blood Bowl: My baby. I know I have as many hours played as some of the games above; steam says 275, but that's just Chaos edition. I had Legendary and Dark Elf edition prior from Direct2Drive.

Ultima Online would be up there as well as The Sims (original), but when I honestly look back I think the games above easily beat those in terms of how much use and entertainment I got out of how much I invested. Although some of those games on there would easily be dethroned by the mini's games I play.

List with rpgs and miniature wargames included:

1) Battlefleet Gothic (32,000 points worth of Imperial Guard alone, throughout the years gave away several fleets of different races).
2) Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 and 3.5
3) Neverwinter Nights
4) Blood Bowl tabletop


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Aside from the obvious MMO stuff.

Gran Turismo 2: I played this game so fucking much. I learned to tweak gear ratios and camber and shit to eke out 1/10th of a second a lap on courses. And to get my Pikes Peak Escudo to 250+mph

Monster Hunter/Monster Hunter Tri: Especially MH1 on the PS2 though. Got the intranat shit just for that. Had almost the best weapons and armors for each type. Blah blah blah. I played the fuck out of Tri as well on the Wii, just not quite as much.

Dungeon Defenders: Initially played through and got pretty damn buff on Xbox, then got it through Steam where it was actually supported and ran through everything there. Over and over and over. They just absolutely nailed the formula of Tower Defense + 3rd person action + Upgrades/Looting. Wish they hadn't nickle and dimed so hard and constantly unbalanced the game to justify the new shit being worth paying for. Still, this game was the shit.

Diablo 2: Duh

Oh yeah and Super Mario Kart, didn't play as obsessively as GT2 but I did have to play non-stop long enough to always beat my brothers' times on every track. It was a LOT of play time...


Xenogears is not only the best game of all time it's also the game I've put more hours into than anything else and one of the few things I have ever replayed (normally I play through a game once and that's it).


<Silver Donator>
Hmm in chronological order:

Super Bomberman 3, played thousands of hours for several years, almost every weekend with friends during middle and high school.
Chrono Trigger/Final Fantasy VI, only jrpgs I really played more than once.
Diablo 1, played a lot of it especially LAN via serial port cable with my best friend
Counterstrike beta, played again hundreds of hours back in the days
One of the Pro Evolution Soccer on PS1, forgot which but the only I bought, played that a fuckton with friends for a couple of years

Then a fairly big jump in time due to mmos, to stuff like:
Orange Box, about 70-80hours combined, not bad
Dark Souls, about 100-120hours total
Skyrim, 120hours
Torchlight 2, 230hours(lots of afking but still)
Planetside 2, 140hours(F2P but spent a bit of money on it, like 30 or 40$)
Dota 2, 1534hours(forgot to close it a lot though ^^)

I don't really count mmos though, I played them a lot, but I also spent a lot of money into them. Subs and shit, it's worth it but it's not like super good returns, besides maybe the first couple of years of wow and UO when I played a ton every day.


Early Command and Conquers
Minecraft : /
Mortal Kombat 9 (PS3)
mario party 3 (N64)
Warioland (gameboy)

Maybe I'll think of some later on


Dragons dogma, I never get tired of throwing my pawns or strangers off ledges and mountains.


No particular order:

Sins of a Solar Empire
HOMM series
Disciples 2 + expansions
Dungeon Siege 1 & 2
Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander


<WoW Guild Officer>
Super Mario 2, 3, and World
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy 6
Zelda 1, 2, and LttP
River City Ransom
Guardian Legend
Left 4 Dead 2
Team Fortress 2 and Classic
Secret of Mana
Final Fantasy Legend 1 and 2
Unreal Tournament
Final Fantasy Tactics
Dragon Warrior 4
Lufia 2
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Dark Souls and Demon's Souls
Half-Life 1 and Opposing Force
Chrono Trigger


Silver Knight of the Realm
Spent some time thinking about older games that were a great value.

I replay chrono trigger and shining force every couple of years. Those are fkn great games.