I can't believe Apex makes the money it does. There really isn't all that much to "buy". 90% of it is easily earned via playing.Apex is a legitimately good game. I can't believe PUBG is still so popular.
I don't get it either, but Respawn is one of the few studios that actually deserves the money.I can't believe Apex makes the money it does. There really isn't all that much to "buy". 90% of it is easily earned via playing.
Quick question: Never played Minecraft personally. However I am giving my old laptop to my nephew and wanted to set up Minecraft for him. Is the Java version or Windows version better? I assume it's just preference?
can't really argue with the winners list, although best portable game being death stranding over vampire survivors or a card game is super weird
This was probably my lightest year of gaming, and apparently most of it was Elden Ring. I'm also partial to taters
View attachment 450676
can't really argue with the winners list, although best portable game being death stranding over vampire survivors or a card game is super weird
Um. Darktide should by a country mile won soundtrack. Best I have heard in years.
big shock
This could be good, actually. Skin-trading is the optimal place for NFTs, it gives you a way to trade them without requiring using the publisher as a marketplace.
Aaaand see ya:
I got into it with some idiot on the Gamespot forums who said that MS was all onboard for unionization if their employees wanted to and QA out of Bethesda was one of the first to attempt it. Guess who is also one of the one's to get the fucking axe.
Sounds like 343, Bethesda, and others are getting the perverbial boot. Which makes sense due to the fact they are releasing fucking garbage (Halo infinite was shit, as is Starfield right now and all it's issues) as the stark realization of "Hey - sounds like we need qualified people and diversity hiring isn't working" continues to sink in.
"Hey - sounds like we need qualified people and diversity hiring isn't working"