The developers put a premium on working at a game company to follow their "passion". There's so many of those types of people that the true high quality developers know they're just not going to get enough money to be worth it. It's really hard to get execs to value quality and knowledge when they see such a big financial discrepancy.I just.. I just dont get that. Why is it that a field where you can go from designing some database shit for Wells Fargo pay a good 30-40% more than a Game Dev where the devs work will literally make them more money, quicker? Such a fucking weird industry and its no wonder they dont attract normal fucking people.
The developers put a premium on working at a game company to follow their "passion".
We really need those nifty community notes to show in the embed.What's that mean? They recorded everyone's private conversations and are gonna put all of them on a website or something so woke employers can root out The Problematic among them?
Surprised they can even do this and not sure why they would, if I'm understanding the situation correctly.
Hysterical Aspies.That generation thats all "feelsy and woman-ish" was getting the tech industry handed over to them a good decade ago. Im not even sure what the generation after this is known for at this point.
ermagerd. I want this
It looks interesting![]()
This is out now, made by former TellTale devs apparently. Seems to have decent reviews? Anyone try it yet?
5 min gameplay video of the next Aliens franchise game.
Assuming you mean Dragon Age Origins, either one works for me.Thought it was going to play like XCOM at first and was super pumped. Then I saw it plays like Dragon Age and now Im no where near as excited.
5 min gameplay video of the next Aliens franchise game.