Because money now is better than money later for the board. They don't care about the product or the company or the employees. A lot of times they're just brought on to be part of the little club and were never actually part of the company or product.
The same thing happened to my giant healthcare IT company. After the founder died the board (none of whom lived near the world HQ, just completely separated from the company) did everything it could to make it look better for buyers. Eventually one of the biggest tech companies on the planet bought it and gutted it even more (without regard for actual merit or business purpose) and now they wonder why no one's around who knows what the fuck is going on. The CEO who was hired after the founder's death did hardly anything and walked away with at least 50 million after the sale. I'm sure the board got a ton as well as the stock price markup for the sale was something like 20-25%.
That's how most companies are treated in a nutshell the last 10 years unless you're a massive corporation. An investment group buys you up, gets rid of as many people as possible, cuts corners, drives up company's value and sells to someone else who then realizes it was all smoke and mirrors and now they have a major issue on their hands. I've seen this happen a dozen times at least.
If you're talking about investment companies then that's because you can legally do a few things that pump up valuation in the short term and play off the long-term detrimental effects by claiming the shady stuff you're doing is legitimate and improving the company bottom line. This is why most people who understand finance look at the statement of cash flows instead of the income statement first. The way companies manage cash flows is much more important than the potential net income.![]()
I guess the thing I (as a layman) don't understand is how buyers are fooled by the smoke and mirrors.
i guess news coming out of tokyo game show
I think he was talking about when big companies buy other companies and realize it was all polished up to look good.
....what? That's a thing?I can't understand why these indie peasants are revolting, this is no worse than Tesla suddenly announcing that the car you bought last year now costs $1200 a month plus an extra $500 for everyone that sits in it at any point.
i guess news coming out of tokyo game show
No more install-fee anymore or whatever it was?
Android can have other app stores. Amazon has an app store for Android. Google is under antitrust investigation. Apple keeps skirting regulation due to trying to claim they're a luxury good and the walled-garden is part of the luxury brand. It's quite a bullshit argument and I can't believe anyone keeps falling for it.Ive always felt like its awful weird how the US Government went after Microsoft for being a monopoly all those years ago - controlling options to what browser is able to be used etc. on the Windows platform. But yet, Apple and Google actively limit their unbroken phones to just their own App stores and dont allow/give any other options. Another App store could come in and undercut Apple by 20% and they'd still be at what.. 55 cents on the dollar, average, or something? Insanity.
the cia hadn't infiltrated microsoft as badly as they're in google and apple.Ive always felt like its awful weird how the US Government went after Microsoft for being a monopoly all those years ago - controlling options to what browser is able to be used etc. on the Windows platform. But yet, Apple and Google actively limit their unbroken phones to just their own App stores and dont allow/give any other options. Another App store could come in and undercut Apple by 20% and they'd still be at what.. 55 cents on the dollar, average, or something? Insanity.
lulz, have you ever used fire app store?Android can have other app stores. Amazon has an app store for Android. Google is under antitrust investigation. Apple keeps skirting regulation due to trying to claim they're a luxury good and the walled-garden is part of the luxury brand. It's quite a bullshit argument and I can't believe anyone keeps falling for it.