Those of us that don't follow Counterstrike have no idea what any of that means.
Heroic is a top CS team and CadiaN is their in-game leader, awper (two roles that each have an outsize influence on the game—five players on a team, usually only one awper and one IGL) and largely team identity. About a week ago, CadiaN announced he was leaving Heroic and moving to Team Liquid, which was shocking and seen as a huge coup for Liquid.
According to this statement, the reason for this was that two other Heroic players basically said “we won’t play with him, if he stays we leave but if you kick him we will immediately extend our contracts with you long term.” Heroic then let CadiaN go, gave the two players their contract extensions, and instead of signing the two players said lol sorry we actually already agreed to go to a competing team/org after our current contracts complete IN 10 MONTHS, we basically tricked you into firing your most important player and now we’re on your roster with no motivation.
This would leave Heroic with 2/5 of its starting lineup, effectively decimating the team.
So Heroic, the org, released this statement OUTING the two players’ actions, benching them, and THEN saying they were still planning to bring them back to the starting lineup near-term because what else are they going to do?
The last line is a shot at Astralis, the other org, who Heroic is implicitly accusing of orchestrating the entire thing both costing their star and getting around a traditional transfer fee (which is an important source of $ for orgs) by making a “future agreement” 10 months in advance of the contract expiry.
So Astralis look like scum, the two players look like scum, and Heroic—the org MAKING this wild public statement crapping on everyone—is revealed to be completely inept from a negotiation and contracting POV (literally fired their leader and star based on nothing but a “trust me bro”).
Everyone in the CS community is now waiting for responses from the two players, stavn and jabbi. Spicy stuff.