I'm still unclear why we're supposed to care about these people at all.
I'm still unclear why we're supposed to care about these people at all.
Monster Hunter has always had complete ass combat and boring as shit gameplay, I have no idea why some people actually like it other than enjoying tediumI tried so hard to get into this series with MH Tri Ultimate on Wii U. Wanted a whole game of Souls Boss Fights against dragons, with big swords and whatnot. Instead it was a wildlife-killing sim with no lock-on. So I was running around trying to hack up a family of wolves or something and missing the puppies because I couldn't lock onto them. It was one of the few games I've ever stopped and gone "wait, why the fuck am I doing this" and turned off.
I have MH World and Iceborne as well (got them all at the same time IIRC and MHW was digital). I like it more but haven't gotten around to giving it a real try yet. I'm sure it'll be better than MH3U. Just having a lock-on would solve a lot, and maybe not having me murder families of animals.
That's what I figured, but I also figured it was probably over by then. Is it still gong? It's almost midnight Eastern time. They better drop some Fromsoft before they go off the air.
Is someone forcing you to read or watch anything about it? Is someone claiming you personally should care? Is someone supposed to care about your input?I'm still unclear why we're supposed to care about these people at all.
Is someone forcing you to read or watch anything about it? Is someone claiming you personally should care? Is someone supposed to care about your input?
You might be surprised to learn that there are many interests that people have in the world and yours may not intersect with all of them.
You guys keep posting it here. It's hard to know it's not interesting or important until you read the text. This is supposed to be a discussion thread about games, which to my mind has nothing to do with whatever drama surrounds these "personalities".
The OTK Game Awards are already way better than the VGAs
You guys keep posting it here. It's hard to know it's not interesting or important until you read the text. This is supposed to be a discussion thread about games, which to my mind has nothing to do with whatever drama surrounds these "personalities".
You guys keep posting it here. It's hard to know it's not interesting or important until you read the text. This is supposed to be a discussion thread about games, which to my mind has nothing to do with whatever drama surrounds these "personalities".
You had best not do that, Avatar!I think of fable anytime anybody says avatar. "Ohhhh avatar!"
Mutahar responds to Jirard's response... by playing a bunch of clips of Jirard contradicting himself. At the very least Jirard lied a LOT to people and it's gonna be pretty hard to give him any credibility in the future. The charity is totally over and done with, that's for sure.
I don't think Jirard broke any laws, but also, "no laws were broken" is kinda the refuge of the scoundrel.
I need an analog to TL;DR for 60 minutes YT videos I have no idea what they are talking about
The guy who exposed Heritage Auctions (Karl Jobst) and another guy released a series of videos exposing a very prominent (and particularly beloved) gaming Youtuber for collecting charity donations (for ten years) and not actually donating them. After being exposed, prominent gaming guy made a huge donation of most of the money (but not all of it) and is now making threats that he's considering suing the two reporters. People are hoping he does so that the lawyers can shred him in discovery. One of the reporters put out a response video to that where he exposes the gaming guy as a huge liar who lied to his audience relentlessly.
Looks like no laws were actually broken, but it is all super weird and no one knows if gaming guy was actually ever going to donate the money if he hadn't been caught. But either way he's a huge liar and has lost most of his credibility with the general gaming community. That's about it, not really expecting anything else to happen with this story.
Yea but you don't lie and say you're giving money to the cause, you just say you're "raising awareness" or "supporting" it.Isn't that how main line real popular charities work? Only a sliver ever reach the stated goal?