I still dont see the whole "competition" thing youre claiming there would be. Games are not like TV, in that youre only playing one at a time, so you would sub to the game you want to play. And maybe check out some others while youre there. Not all of them at once. Content would still drive people to certain game companies they like, right? How many games do you play at the same time?
As for the turning to shit, thats a fucking opinion, man. I mean today we get to have more entertainment than ever before in the history of TV. And ive been around for a while. Back tot he days of having 5-6 channels on the TV, then the whole expensive ass cable craze of the 80s and beyond. Today you have anything and everything you ever wanted to watch is prob on there somewhere for pennies per hour. From great sci-fi down to chick flicks for your wife and endless kids shit for your kids. So you saying its all turned to shit while I say this is really a great time for home entertainment. Sure there are a ton of services, but you dont have to sub to all of them at the same time either. Apple has great sci-fi, amazon has their things that are great plus you can rent shit on there too. Netflix kinda went sour over the years but there is still great shows and movies on there. Hulu has some goodies too. I mean we all binged the fuck out of the good ones so now there is less and less. Plus there is the youtube thing which is free, with pretty much endless shit to watch depending on what your interest is. Any fucking hobby or interest will innnundate you with 100s of hours of videos.