There is really nothing generic about Actraiser 2. It has one of the most complex control scheme ever devised for a 2D action game. If I am counting right, the character has 7 different sword attacks and you can charge your attack which leads to 6 or 7 different spells, not moving and not attacking allows the character to passively use his shield (3 different positions) and the jump can be turned into a slow fall or a glide and the glide can be turned into a dive. The game is hard, the character is slow and on top of that there are sequences of action that lead to long and dangerous losses of control (going into a glide takes several frames and if a glide reaches the ground, the landing is a long sliding animation that cannot be canceled) so mastering (pun non intended!) the controls take a bit of practice. By comparison the action sequences in the first Actraiser offer 3 sword attacks, one jump and one spell you pick out of a list before the stage.