I dont dispute much of anything you said, in all seriousness. Im not pro-globalization and do believe in the US first, I just stated what is happening and judging what will happen by giving those statistics. An indie developer that puts out an outstanding game has a much better chance of getting seen now, than they ever have in the past and it will only get better for them in monetary value. Which in turn will mean better games for us in the long run. Especially since the original conversation was to the tune of single player games.
To quote the relevant text:
MMO's are another conversation entirely and as you pointed out, suffer the most from globalization.
If the expanding reach of the gaming industry makes for better games, then why aren't the games better?
The MMORPG example is perhaps the most egregious, but it's not another conversation entirely. It's the model many in the industry are following. It's the model many industries are following. It works great for the corporations, and becomes terrible for the foundational consumers.
I almost used core consumers, but the whole point is the industry shifts who their core consumers are. And as long as these corporate gaming companies make their profit they don't give a shit if the people who enabled the industry with money and support are left behind.
The very fact you're shifting focus to independent games proves the point. Independent games wasn't the conversation. You literally cited AAA games and talking about a convergence between the two... Between what? Quality single player games that defined the rise of the gaming industry and the massive market for mobile games? Or worse regular games "accessible" on mobile devices for global audiences?
And now, ah, but what about the independent studios? That wasn't the topic, and doesn't address the concerns with the mobile gaming industry undermining the gaming industry as we knew it.
Will the next Fallout game be the best ever because game companies are selling out for Zinga style mobile games? Or thinking the best development strategy is marketing to global audiences due to the proliferation of smartphones worldwide? Or catering to the expanding non-traditional gamer markets? Or bowing to wokeness as if the game is more enjoyable knowing it was made by a multicultural team of non-binary devs?
The direction things are going there is no point the divide closes. There is no point the mobile gaming industry converges with who knows what to start pumping out quality, old school AAA games. Such games are antiquated in the eyes of the industry.
So, yeah, we agree... The industry built massive success on the backs of a small, but loyal audience, who are going to have to rely on indie titles to have a place at the table of an industry they helped build.
It's a common occurrence, and one where the foundational fans are always promised the industry greed and profits will lead to better products for those foundational fans. But does it actually happen? Or do these industries just keep pursuing the most profitable avenue and sucking up all the best talent and companies in the process?
The thing that sucks is even the few holdouts like CD Project Red are shitting the bed and having a hard time competing.
And I'm not saying there won't still be good games, just that it will be despite (and hopefully to spite) the success and direction of the industry, not because of it.