Get a free Kyle Rittenhouse at Culver's

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Potato del Grande
So, this might trigger the left.

Apparently this judge is a total Democrat. He ran for the Wisconsin Senate as a Democrat, and was first appointed by a Democrat governor.
Thing is, modern republicans are like 90s democrats. Classical liberals. Hard to say but I dont see him as a modern leftist. No current progressive would have a "proud to be an American" ringtone. Hell, Trump was a democrat in the 80s and 90s.
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<Prior Amod>
So, this might trigger the left.

Apparently this judge is a total Democrat. He ran for the Wisconsin Senate as a Democrat, and was first appointed by a Democrat governor.
jesus christ,

he ran for da in 1972 before most of us were even born, before that he was an assistant da(i mean how else do you move up) and before that he was a POPO!!!

apparently he's a sentacing badass, scaring the shit outta anyone
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<Prior Amod>
One is pampered and fawned over. The other had to make split second life and death decisions and grow the fuck up in a matter of minutes. Then take responsibility for those actions at trial.
tranny kyle would have bigger tits
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Being Poor Sucks.
The Left thinks they're the revolutionaries and that they could take over if they stopped playing by the rules. Thing is, the only reason they were able to run roughshod with impunity is because the Normal People showed tolerance and restraint and allowed it.

After weeks of them LARPing their way around major cities, one Normal Person gets into it with several of the LARPers and completely kicks their asses, then they retreat to victimhood and the courts and "WHERE WERE THE POLICE"

I mean it proves that if they went all-out with a revolution / civil uprising, they'd get completely stomped on.
Yes these people have needed a fucking reality check for years. By all means get rid of the police...these people have no idea how much they would get curbstomped if the police didn't exist at all.
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Log Wizard
Considering Luis Vuitton would sell pocket lint for more than $1000, those joggers running around with $100k. Luxury brands are one of the biggest frauds in human history.
Well...yeah. They exist so shallow, moronic people can flaunt their status to other shallow, moronic people and be able to contribute to the payments on someone else's fucking yacht.

Fashion is easily one of this world's largest contributors to pollution, and people eat it up because status.

The grand irony of it is there is nothing that can give a broke jog status. Fancy purses and shoes are an expression of wealth. You see some ugly fat-assed jogger with an LV bag, and the only thing anyone thinks is that she stole it, or it is a fake. That's the wrong kind of status they are trying to convey, but they are too stupid to realize it.

My favorite status items are rented rims on a leased Cadillac parked out in front of rent controlled apartments in slum neighborhoods. I see that and immediately know that jogger done earnt his keep.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I don’t give two shits what gender you fuck, what your damn pronoun is, they this that it, what the or, I don’t fucking care. That’s your own mental bullshit you have to deal with. What I care about is right and wrong and truth brothers. Very glad as you know this kid armed up, protected shit, and next thing you know he killed two fucking asses one of which fucked 9 year olds up their ass while media PROTECTED him. You fucking kidding me??? That could have been one of our kids. Other fanboy fucker had his family saying it’s a tragedy shite white was there to be peaceful when before he held a knife to his brother unless he cleaned shut he would kill him - later found to be convicted with strangulation and kidnapping. Sorry punk ass, 17 cleared humanity of a favor.

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Trakanon Raider
This result made me sign up for safety training class next week to get my firearm's license to carry in shitty Massachusetts. AR Kyle is a true American Hero. What a fucking BADASS at 17 years old, slaying pedo's and doing it legally. Wow. This will undoubtedly be the biggest accomplishment of his life. He has no idea how incredible his actions are, especially now that he is going to be out and it has a chance to really sink in. He will have a book deal, a consulting job, speaking circuit, he never has to work again if he plays his cards right.

I also LOVE how dishonest democrats rather lie and condemn Kyle than admit self defense is a thing our country fucks with.
Don't get too high on the above - ppl have the right to defend themselves. I do not want to be put in that position, nor do I wish it upon others.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Fuck it. The reactions on social media pissed me off so much I started listening to Lionel.

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