Zero as EliZa is my sister as already noted on this thread. Hollywood loves secret and not so secret twins. There is a Mila and Mileana Kunis and etc. Anyway I have to get out of bed and talk to strangers two of my least favorite things. Chau.
Hook me up with your sister and i'll believe you.
And by guy you mean girl. Heres a fun fact the Nagasaki bomb was actually a hydrogen bomb with a plutonium core. It wasnt dropped on tge city called Nagasaki but a fishing village in the far north. The blast was so large it engulfed the plane that dropped this most unnecessary of bombs. Which is why you dont know anything about the plane or pilot of the Nagasaki bomb but everyone has heard of the Enola Gay. The plutonium was made at Hanford and between the wastewater dripping into the groundwater and Columbia river and the Strontium,90 and other radioactive elements from that,bomb and the others tested in the Pacific weve managed to kill the Ocean. In about,80 years-if we had it which we dont-the Oceans would be completely dead.This is like A Beautiful Mind. Only instead of being a genius the guy is a retard.
Nope. Youre living,in the second Cosmos on this here plane. Everything you think you know about Physics and Cosmology is wrong. Quantum Mechanics is an attempt to explaim away magical,phenomenon at the root of the universe. A photon is not a wave or a particle. All fundamental interactions except those involving gravity are the result of the tiny little beings at the quanta of space level dancing madly. This was Madelne L'Engels point,in the second Wrinkle in Time book when she had mitochodria dancing in rythm.So is this like fifth edition? Do you have extra character sheets?
we both prefer hot girls and never ever were you such a thing as this.Hook me up with your sister and i'll believe you.
So you're open to threats to kill you?
I'm asking for a friend.
Begging does not become a Bolg. Eliza is my twin but as you can see if you do a Bing image search we look slightly different. Mainly because I'm bolgier. Malefic are a dimorphic species. The males are Malefic and very very eaty. A Menace of Malefic (7) is the top end of the generally used measuring stick for what not to fuck with in Deseret. A Menace will take out a Flight of Dragons (13-21) and are usually accompanied by the females which are Beholders. Who are very very blasty and mezzy. One thing Gary Gygax got gobstoppingly wrong and why Malefics were put into Wizardry.Guys, I think I'm in love.
Do you have a way where you can psychotically rant at me more personally?
Also are you Elisha Dushkus real twin sister or is this like an astral plane sistership or something and you are actually like one of those train station people that ask me for change every morning?
Are you available for babysitting in the Portland/Miami area?My reddit account is tad100. My subreddit is r/DeeCiphers r/DeeCiphers
Would probably be an improvement.Are you available for babysitting in the Portland/Miami area?
You said you're in Malta, right? Are you a Hospitallar by chance?
Templars are not in DND and the Dushkus are Mormons
Your stock here at FoH will go up considerably if you have transitioned as you seem to be hinting. And a few of our freer thinkers will probably start propositioning you as well.
I was trying to be inclusive of our tranny-loving members and validate their feelings, as I've been taught by the media.Freer thinking or nonexistent self esteem and standards?
I was trying to be inclusive of our tranny-loving members and validate their feelings, as I've been taught by the media.
Sure they are, you can totally make a Paladin and swear an oath of loyalty to Baphomet, who was added as a valid deity in at least forgotten realms.
Mormans can join the knights of St John, they just need to swear an oath of obedience and behave. With the current Pope I assume even jihadists could get in now.