Ghost in the Shell: First Assault. GitS + Counter Strike?


Trakanon Raider

So this popped up on my Steam feed yesterday. Apparently they are releasing an FPS loosely set in the Ghost in the Shell IP. Its listed as Free to Play, but its being distributed by Nexon so I expect a metric fucktonne of microtransactions.

Trailer is full of hype and short on real info, but its got me hyped since I pretty much love the Ghost in the Shell setting, and remember the PS2 game and even Bungi's 'Oni' fondly.

It appears atm to only be multiplayer. From what little I've read they haven't announced a single player campaign yet but have mentioned that they might add it if they get enough interest. Release date is set for this December though, so I seriously doubt we'll see much in the way of changes.

Here is footage of a guy apparently doing some of the closed beta back in April. It looks janky as fuck with shitty FPS, but apparently the guy was playing on Asian servers and so had a shit connection.

Anyway. Prolly horrible vaporware, but I'm holding out hope. Especially with Blizzard still not letting me into the Overwatch beta

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online on Steam


There is no respawn, so, as far as I am concerned, it is automatically better than 99% of online fps.



Glad to see they improved on a lot of Ubisoft's failures in Phantoms, but still built on the core concept (team play) they tried to push unsuccessfully.