I was disappointed that it didn't end with her suicide. That would have been unexpected and redeeming for the episode.mehhhh.
at least it seems like hippy chic is gone
Her OCD might have been interesting if it didn't feel tacked on. Had pernicious signs of the disorder been portrayed in previous episodes, it might have added an element of depth to the show. As it is, Hannah just appears to be a random amalgam of diffuse pathology that makes little sense. Next week, Hannah develops multiple personality disorder and the viewer discovers that Shoshanna and Marnie are just alters.I guess Hannah wasn't getting enough attention in this show before the OCD thing
Tell Me You Love Me had Adam Scott masturbating with a prosthetic penis and they showed the actual (fake) cum shot.I was okay with everything until the cum shot - Jesus Christ, I know it's HBO but I don't know how that got green lit.