Yeah but the thing you're missing is that's the part of it that's good for most people. Batman has a bratty kid, a bitch of a wife, and a miserable home life. It's a layered concept that could easily fall flat, but he treated it with the exact right amount of seriousness. Everyone has power fantasies... this man we're watching has the same reasons that everyone has to indulge them. In his case though they turn out to be real and not fantasies. And he struggles with the responsibility of it, as we all would and do when our fantasy becomes reality.
The juxtaposition of the two things was, and remains, refreshing. He did a tonally serious superhero story. Like Frank Miller did. Shamadingdong managed to say something about the human condition. It's not a new observation... but so what. It was well done.
I mean it's ok if it failed to connect with you on that level. But it's there. It's intentional. It's the point of the entire movie.
He might have only ever had two good movies in him. Unbreakable and I See Dead People. Both of those movies are actually clever. His other ones tend to be "look at me I'm so clever" wankfests.