

Molten Core Raider
God in heaven playing this game with two rule-mongering little bitches is agony. Every action devolves into a 12 minute discussion of theoretical edge-cases that statistically mean that this action is 0.07% likely to be less effective than...jesus christ. I want to enjoy playing this but right now the experience is being fucked by the people who bought it. Ugh. Finally got through the first encounter in like 7 fucking hours. Neat game tho.
  • 1Worf
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Some of us finally hitting level 2! Good to hear about the Cragheart, the person playing Cragheart in our group is getting a little discouraged because she always acts so late in the turn so her best laid plans often go awry. I'll let her know to keep truckin' and the character will improve by level 4.

So, what really helps out with the Cragheart is a little card called Unstable Upheaval. It's a 13 initiative double loss card, and double losses aren't typically things you want to bring. For most classes, that would be an absolute shit card...but for the Cragheart, it's a 13 initiative move 2, and that is honestly the best thing you have at level 1. Being able to toss a boulder while things are still bunched up or heal someone that needs it before they die is super important. Take it, use it for quite a few levels just as a move 2. It totally changes the Cragheart

Same thing with level 2...a lot of people think Sentient Growth is one of the best Cragheart cards. But the other card is Explosive Punch, which is a 28 initiative move 4. The Cragheart has 2 baseline issues with the class...slow initiative and low movement. Explosive Punch solves both.

Try those changes out and see the Cragheart completely change from slow lumbering sack of rock to an unstoppable landslide of awesome.
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Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I have a level 3 mind thief at the moment, and wish I had gone tinkerer, I feel like my builds for most scenarios are pretty on rails.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I have a level 3 mind thief at the moment, and wish I had gone tinkerer, I feel like my builds for most scenarios are pretty on rails.

I felt like this was part of why I had my attacks selected in 15 seconds while other people took five minutes. The scoundrel basically has attack and move, with some planning ahead with invis that was pretty simple to plan. Not sure if it changes much later, we are still level 1. If it stays that simple I’ll just retire at soonest chance, go with the bard or whatever the music note is I’ll unlock eventually.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I have a level 3 mind thief at the moment, and wish I had gone tinkerer, I feel like my builds for most scenarios are pretty on rails.

No you don't, tinkerer is pretty bad.

MT has pretty powerful damage and excellent CC. Tinkerer has, uhh..heals? Heals are pretty much the most inefficient action possible in this game, so the rest of your party really needs to make up for the Tinkerer, honestly.


<Bronze Donator>
God in heaven playing this game with two rule-mongering little bitches is agony. Every action devolves into a 12 minute discussion of theoretical edge-cases that statistically mean that this action is 0.07% likely to be less effective than...jesus christ. I want to enjoy playing this but right now the experience is being fucked by the people who bought it. Ugh. Finally got through the first encounter in like 7 fucking hours. Neat game tho.
Yeah, this is not the game for people prone to AP.
I have a level 3 mind thief at the moment, and wish I had gone tinkerer, I feel like my builds for most scenarios are pretty on rails.
And this is the strength of the game. Abuse your weak class as much as possible to retire as early as possible or just switch classes and say fuck it.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I loved the mindthief. Late game, the double enhance thing and cranium explode or whatever... fun stuff.


I replaced a couple times in a group that plays this game. Pretty fun. I also played the Mindthief and my only troubles were not understanding why I would not always use the damage augment and when would be a good time to summon rats. In the first game I did not take the rats, and in the 2nd (during which we played 2 maps), I made it my personal goal to summon those damn beast and really did not find a single time were it would have made sense.

As a side note, referring to what Drajakur Drajakur said, I don't think you are supposed to cooperate that actively and can't share any numerical values. The spirit of the game is more like "Can you deal with this monster fast?" "I can't kill it, but I can make sure it does nothing to harm us this turn unless it's surprisingly fast". So you can have some synergy, but it should not be too elaborate and min-max'able.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah when sharing initiative values during turn planning, we say stuff like “early first quarter” and such.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Melee summons are awful in this game, and really you have to think about them in terms of being a preemptive heal. That's all they're gonna do...take one hit for you and die. The only good summons are ranged, everything else is crap.

As far as augments go on the MT, The Mind's Weakness (+2 damage) is the best until you reach high levels and replace all your melee attacks. The higher level MT cards are mostly ranged attacks, which augments don't affect. At that point, you can make a case for silent scream (heal 2 range 2) because almost everything at high levels applies some sort of effect like wound or poison, and if you're only attacking twice per cycle thru your hand, 4 damage is a lot less impressive than curing 2 poisons.


Trakanon Raider
They officially announced multiplayer on the digital version- which isn't super surprising. But was kinda a we'll see if we can get to it thing before.



Trakanon Raider
Excited for the PC version, should be a fun diversion.

An update on our campaign, we are over a month in. We should be hitting level 3 this weekend! Town Prosperity is at level 2. We had a little change where are cragheart decided to go with spellweaver instead, and she has been happier since. I think she enjoys the fact she can more liberally use her lost cards, which tend to be more powerful, and she feels she's contributing more. I've been really impressed with her gameplay, she is someone who's idea of board games is Monopoly, and who has never played an RPG. She was exhausting herself too early for a few scenarios, but now she's got a nice rhythm and usually ends up with the most experience of any of us. She can never pass up hitting 3 mobs with her Fire Orbs =)

Our tinkerer I fear is not having as much fun, and she has missed the last two scenarios. We are trying to convince her to maybe change classes to see if she'll engage with the game more. What's interesting is she is well-versed in board gaming, is a huge Skyrim/Fallout player, but hasn't really taken to Gloomhaven. Meanwhile our Scoundrel is really enjoying the game, probably as much as I do.

Since we only get to play once a week I needed a more frequent GH fix, so I started a solo campaign using a phone app to track my progress separate from my "main" campaign. I am using the two classes we aren't playing (cragheart and mind thief), and I have to say I love playing them both, especially the mind thief. They also work really well together. I am playing the "evil" route so trying to help the witch, demon, etc. It's been actually kind of hard to go back to the Brute after playing those 2 classes, since he's so much more straight forward compared to how creative you can get with both cragheart and mind thief.
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Tranny Chaser
Early Access for the digital version starts on July 17th 2019 they just announced.

On the paper side of things just got the expansion as we are 2 missions away from "the end" of the original base game main plotline. Two players are gonna retire on our next mission so they get to fight over who plays the Diviner
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I got bored with the endgame starter wizard I think it's called Elemental is through something because of how overpowered it got and it was taking me forever to complete my quest. After three games in a row of me just so low in the entire dungeon while everybody else ran around grabbing coins they agreed to let me change classes. I've been playing The Bard a bunch and if you do the shenanigans where you stack the enemy Deck with curses and make the enemy always a disadvantage it kind of makes the game easy mode but everyone else gets to do their thing and it's a lot less boring than simply Burning Down the entire house every time. They're definitely ruts in this game where you can't get the story moving or go anywhere with your character though in terms of development. One good use for your pet is that they count is an ally so any buff that adds blesses that includes the pet will stack blesses in the owner's deck. So familiar pets have one use its to put them down with the beginning of the dungeon while they're never quite catch up they'll keep being there to add extra buffs 2 your deck for when The Bard or someone else does AE bless. Bianna the aren't much use especially the ones that come from cards because they shorten up your deck rotation and make you exhaust quicker.

Indiana Tinker is really boring to play and it levels up probably the slowest out of any class in the game. My wife is playing our Tinker in the group and she's gotten pretty good but it's just slow to level up and you never really do much other than one big deal at some point in the middle of the map. The class also has way too many Fern cards compared to others so even though it's got a 12 card hand it still sucks to play because all of your good XP attack and he'll cards are generally ones that are burning and there done. It seems a little after I played The Bard because my buff songs kind of turned her character into sort of a utility tank and I was able to help her out by moving her with some of my cards so she can get into position for her plays a little more easily, but she found the ticker to be fairly frustrating to play. I'm pretty sure if your friend is burned out it's probably because of the nature that class.


Molten Core Raider
I'm really looking forward to checking out the digital version.
My group kinda fell apart so I haven't played my copy in yonks. Tried solo a few times, and it was still good, but not the same and a bit of a pain to setup for.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I'm really looking forward to checking out the digital version.
My group kinda fell apart so I haven't played my copy in yonks. Tried solo a few times, and it was still good, but not the same and a bit of a pain to setup for.

Almost 2 years to release. You'll be waiting awhile yet.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Almost 2 years to release. You'll be waiting awhile yet.

It comes out on steam next Wednesday. I’m guessing early release and just a few missions, but it’s a start.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
It comes out on steam next Wednesday. I’m guessing early release and just a few missions, but it’s a start.

Oh, I figured you guys knew.

No, 4 classes at release (so not even what the TT game starts with unlocked), no campaign, no multiplayer support, and they're not planning on a launch until 2021. Oh, and multiplayer is gonna be the last thing they add.

So, typical early access. A whole lot of nothing to show, but pay us and we'll work on it!
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Trakanon Raider
We are still trucking along in our campaign! Sidetracked by my board game addiction and buying a ton of other stuff.....but we still play GH the most, TMB second...probably Aeon's End third. We did have our first retirement, our scoundrel retired and was replaced by the quartermaster. I'm still the Brute, level 6 now, I need to complete a bunch of quests in Dagger Forest to retire, but we haven't unlocked any more in that area =(. The Spellweaver is also level 6, but she has the "enhance cards" retirement quest, so it will be easier for her. I think we have played about 15-18 scenarios. Our town is currently at prosperity 3.

I did finish my solo campaign. I started with 2 characters but ended up playing 4 handed. I retired around 8 times I believe, ended up playing around 50 scenarios. I do have the expansion waiting for me, but I don't really care for the mechanics of the Diviner, and now I have so many other games to play that I think I'm done soloing GH.


Molten Core Raider
Oh, I figured you guys knew.

No, 4 classes at release (so not even what the TT game starts with unlocked), no campaign, no multiplayer support, and they're not planning on a launch until 2021. Oh, and multiplayer is gonna be the last thing they add.

So, typical early access. A whole lot of nothing to show, but pay us and we'll work on it!
why are you ruining my dream? :(