I haven't seen this, and I trust most of you, but be straight with me, is Godzilla as fucking retarded in this one as he is in Shin? I see a ton of you gushing over Shin, and I'm torn; I'll grant you that the actual movie part of Shin was pretty decent, but the part I was there for, motherfucking Godzilla, was a gigantic letdown for me (and I have documented my disdain multiple times as MFF can attest to). I could not get over the fact that Godzilla a) had Downs, and b) spent the vast majority of the movie fucking STANDING THERE DOING NOTHING!
Did you guys actually LIKE Godzilla in Shin? And is it more of the same in this one? Or does he actually act like fucking Godzilla? You can shit on the recent movies all you want, but at least Godzilla wrecks some shit instead of just stumbling drunkenly through buildings or standing around shooting laser beams out of his fins. In the same effect, repeated over and over to make it seem like he's doing it a lot.
I mean look at this geriatric motherfucker. And this is AFTER his Downs phase where he's supposed to be terrifying. Come on man! Please tell me he acts like he has at least a walnut-sized brain in Minus One.
Did you guys actually LIKE Godzilla in Shin? And is it more of the same in this one? Or does he actually act like fucking Godzilla? You can shit on the recent movies all you want, but at least Godzilla wrecks some shit instead of just stumbling drunkenly through buildings or standing around shooting laser beams out of his fins. In the same effect, repeated over and over to make it seem like he's doing it a lot.
I mean look at this geriatric motherfucker. And this is AFTER his Downs phase where he's supposed to be terrifying. Come on man! Please tell me he acts like he has at least a walnut-sized brain in Minus One.