Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)


Millie's Staff Member
this is making crazy bank.
Globally, “Godzilla vs. Kong” has crossed $350 million at the box office, which puts the film in a prime position to turn a profit. The tentpole, a CGI-fest that pits two of cinema’s most notorious monsters against each other, cost roughly $165 million to produce. Legendary Pictures co-financed the film and is handling distribution in China, where the movie has made a massive $165.4 million.
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<Prior Amod>
The next movie should have the Power Rangers and their Megazord

lets get some nork action in here

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All labs matter!
this is making crazy bank.
Globally, “Godzilla vs. Kong” has crossed $350 million at the box office, which puts the film in a prime position to turn a profit. The tentpole, a CGI-fest that pits two of cinema’s most notorious monsters against each other, cost roughly $165 million to produce. Legendary Pictures co-financed the film and is handling distribution in China, where the movie has made a massive $165.4 million.

Godzilla saved the movie industry from china lung.
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Gunnar Durden
Two things

my wife made a funny statement when we saw this on the HBO list. “Wait how can those two fight? Godzilla is as big as a building abd Kong climbs buildings he shouldn’t stand a chance”

and two, how am I supposed to root for either of these when their fighting would have conservatively killed 3 million people at least.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
this is making crazy bank.
Globally, “Godzilla vs. Kong” has crossed $350 million at the box office, which puts the film in a prime position to turn a profit. The tentpole, a CGI-fest that pits two of cinema’s most notorious monsters against each other, cost roughly $165 million to produce. Legendary Pictures co-financed the film and is handling distribution in China, where the movie has made a massive $165.4 million.
Crazy bank is a stretch. It will struggle to hit 100 million in the US and overseas territories usually take more of a cut. For a covid handicap, it's a great sign of things getting back to normal, but it still cost a fuck load to make and market.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, it's not bad, but WB is mostly watching those HBO Max subscriptions I wager


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Saw this on HBO. Entertaining popcorn movie. You can't take these to seriously, just enjoy the ride. Liked the previous one "Godzilla, King of the Monsters" a bit more.

The acting and dialogue are definitely the weak points in these movies but the CGI and fight scenes are glorious. I like that they remind me a bit of the originals that I saw as a kid.
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Buzzfeed Editor
So they tossed the whole Cthulu aesthetic/theme from the first one, and went full on Pacific Rim--the movement, the lighting ect, all were ripped right from pacific rim. (Mecha Godzilla literally has Gypsy Danger's plasma cannon, I think they literally copied the animation/design for it...Not sure if it was supposed to be 'homage' or what, but was pretty funny)

Would have liked to see the Chtulu style story play out---but I think going really big and really dumb/fast for something like this was probably the best choice. And this movie is absolutely retarded (Like it might be the dumbest movie of the year...)...but its just fast enough that the stupid doesn't quite have time to really take you out of it before monsters hit each other. So meh....

Someone should have enough balls to just make one of these without any focus on humans at all. Because honestly, trying to shoehorn in humans is always the worst part of these films, the humans either have to be exceptionally stupid or their parts become so slow and plodding its frustrating.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Terrible, terrible movie. Of course I like Kong and Godzilla but this was one of the worst made movies I've seen in a bit. It seemed specifically made for a ride for Universal or Disney. Those hi tech aircraft scenes looked just like they were built specifically for that. The interiors of everything being alternating neon red and blue also reminded me of a theme park. Let's sell the secondary market folks!

Some of the backgrounds were beautiful and it felt like they asked a game designer to make and produce this movie. One from EA. Go BIG, go dumb. The acting and story were atrocious just like they always are but at least the other movies didn't spend so much for terrible story and acting? The fights were good and of course they were a small part of the final movie.

I'll also repeat other comments. Someone should have the desire to just make boss fights and steer closer to KoM (far better movie). It kinda blows my mind they spent $165 million on this paint by numbers movie. I don't expect to be smarter after these movies but a 10 year old has better ideas than the ones used here.
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Pretty much what I expected. Stupid human subplots between solid monster fights. Definitely could have been better, but I could shut off my brain and be entertained.


Trakanon Raider
Wife: "Is King Kong's axe magical?"
Me: "It's not that kind of movie."
Wife: "Is it an atomic axe? It's glowing."
Movie 5 mins later axe is a magical atomic plot macguffin: "It's absorbing the power of this place!"

The smug was thick for the rest of the evening.
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<Gold Donor>
I've complained about Shin Godzilla before, but it occurs to me that if you combined that movie with Godzilla vs. Kong, you'd have a pretty good movie. Because in Shin Godzilla, the human story was the only good part. Particularly the SMOKING HOT US/Japan liaison chick. I will fight anyone that tries to argue that the Godzilla parts of Shin Godzilla were actually good. They were not, they were fucking retarded, and Godzilla literally looked like he had Downs. They should have called it Downs Godzilla. But the human element in that movie was much, much better than anything we got in the American Godzilla movies.
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The only thing I liked about Shin Godzilla was the mutation idea. It was relatively cool, but did not feel much like Godzilla at all (and yes, he has 'mutated' in the past - but never to that degree.)


Millie's Staff Member
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FPS noob

ERIC ROBERTS! From the studio that puts out movies in $5 Walmart bins to confuse grandma

but more on topic, first rumors of a sequel sadly Godzilla-less probably (Legendary has to pay Tojo money for Godzilla, pays nothing for King Kong)

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Log Wizard
Didn't they say they were evacuating Hong Kong before Godzilla even got there? Like there's a scene where it shows all the civilians running into their Kaiju shelters or whatever. I'm sure that's the lazy writing to wash away the million+ casualties.

He did totally murder a bunch of sailors/jet pilots though.
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I never understood why jet fighters would be anywhere near close enough to get hit by a tail swipe. I get if they were scrambling... but they are over-the-horizon fighters.
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All labs matter!
Didn't they say they were evacuating Hong Kong before Godzilla even got there? Like there's a scene where it shows all the civilians running into their Kaiju shelters or whatever. I'm sure that's the lazy writing to wash away the million+ casualties.

He did totally murder a bunch of sailors/jet pilots though.

He didn’t murder anyone. He has “monster privilege”. It’s fine.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I never understood why jet fighters would be anywhere near close enough to get hit by a tail swipe. I get if they were scrambling... but they are over-the-horizon fighters.
Because it’s a dumb movie. Like 99% of everything that happens in these movies defies logic but sets up a good monkey punch or lizard laser.