Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I'm not sure why you're upset. Did I give you the impression I'm an advocate for DEI? Nothing could be further from the truth, I dislike American Inventors, faggots and Jews as much as anybody you'll ever meet. I'm just sharing with you some insight as to why DEI is so pervasive in Hollywood - because whites don't go to the theater. Hollywood is a business first and foremost, the artistry will always be second to that. You can't make movies without people pouring huge amounts of money into the production and expecting a return. That's capitalism at work, too bad comrade. You seem very passionate about the artistry side of things though so I fully encourage you to independently produce your authentic vision of Transformers where the entire 3 hour movie takes place on Cybertron with photorealistic CGI and the robots speak only in binary. I will be first in line to see it at my local arthouse theater.
Sure, I know its commerce as well as art. You know what else is bad business? Bad movies. Rubbing the Panderstone and thinking about "Well, POC constitutes x% of the audience, therefore X characters need to appeal to POC demographics" is a recipe for shit movies. You can slightly tailor your movies to be more appealing, younger/older/blah blah, including Arwen as a more prominent character so you have a love story and she gets the ride to Rivendell rather than Glorfindel? Sure. DEI quotas and Romance Consultants and every other big studio bureaucratic layer? Marvel Phase 4 Debacle with Every hero Girlbossing too close to the sun? All New All Different Marvel rather than 80 years of classic comic stories.

"Well, it has to be this way because the audience is X" is a shit argument; again, Look at your chart above. Pandering to them doesn't increase their participation.

If DEI were good business, they wouldn't have a name for it; they would just call it "good movies". Instead, people can see it for what it is and are rejecting it. 2019 was Hollywood's last good year, and it may be their last good year for some time.

En Sabah Nur

Potato del Grande
Sure, I know its commerce as well as art. You know what else is bad business? Bad movies. Rubbing the Panderstone and thinking about "Well, POC constitutes x% of the audience, therefore X characters need to appeal to POC demographics" is a recipe for shit movies. You can slightly tailor your movies to be more appealing, younger/older/blah blah, including Arwen as a more prominent character so you have a love story and she gets the ride to Rivendell rather than Glorfindel? Sure. DEI quotas and Romance Consultants and every other big studio bureaucratic layer? Marvel Phase 4 Debacle with Every hero Girlbossing too close to the sun? All New All Different Marvel rather than 80 years of classic comic stories.
Was the MCU bad business? Lots of "panderstoning" in there.

"Well, it has to be this way because the audience is X" is a shit argument; again, Look at your chart above. Pandering to them doesn't increase their participation.

If DEI were good business, they wouldn't have a name for it; they would just call it "good movies". Instead, people can see it for what it is and are rejecting it. 2019 was Hollywood's last good year, and it may be their last good year for some time.
You are stuck in a bubble. The amount of people who are "rejecting it" is a rounding error to those Hollywood beancounters you love so much. Box office receipts will probably never return to what they were pre-COVID for a variety of factors, but Hollywood will continue to thrive despite itself.


<Gold Donor>
You're dead wrong on this. Minorities have always been overrepresented in movie audiences. For whatever reasons they just go to the movies more than whites on a per capita basis. Possibly because whites don't want to sit in a theater with blacks who don't shut the fuck up or bring their crying children but that's besides the point here.

Here are the minority domestic audience shares for top grossing films of 2019, which includes Avengers: Endgame:

View attachment 523137

In other words, whites were responsible for only 46% of Avengers: Endgame's domestic ticket sales despite being ~60% of the overall population.

Avatar was indeed very popular with minorities. I can't find any solid data on the 2008 movie demographics, but Avatar 2 is in the 2022 version of the above chart:

View attachment 523138

Obviously the Titanic box office would be very white, but the country was also 70+% white in 1999.

Of course, America is just going to get less white as time goes on so you can rest assured that nothing will be improving on this front. The American Inventorfication of your movies is here to stay.
I'll admit I'm a little surprised at those numbers, but I'd love to see a further breakdown of black/white/asian, because just saying "minority" doesn't really explain why every single movie is predominantly black now. Same with gays. Were gays really responsible for more than 50% of ticket sales? Because their representation is almost 100% now (in terms of at least one gay in a movie).

What if it is asians and "latinx" that make up the majority of those numbers? It would make sense from a population and income standpoint, right? If so, why aren't they being represented in significantly higher numbers than blacks in movies and television?

You can spin it however you want, and while I admitted I was a bit surprised by those numbers, it still doesn't explain why they seem to be actively pushing away 40%+ of their former audience for a portion of that minority share (blacks). By shear population count alone, it seems like pushing away even 20% of your white viewers is impossible to make up in black viewers unless they all go see a movie multiple times. And I'm pretty sure a lot more than 20% of whites are deciding to not subject themselves to paying for movies that actively shit on them these days.

That's without going into the gay mafia's agenda even. Plenty of people of all races seem to be getting fed up with seeing dicks and gay sexuality, yet an optimistic number for them is maybe 10% of the population?

There is an agenda happening here, and we all see it, and it isn't just based on who spends money in the theaters.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Was the MCU bad business? Lots of "panderstoning" in there.

You are stuck in a bubble. The amount of people who are "rejecting it" is a rounding error to those Hollywood beancounters you love so much. Box office receipts will probably never return to what they were pre-COVID for a variety of factors, but Hollywood will continue to thrive despite itself.
Everything post-Endgame has completely, utterly flopped. Yes, the DEI MCU is bad business. Edit: the three movies in 2022 are far off the MCU expectations and nothing after even made money. "Far from Home" isn't DEI MCU standard any longer: THREE straight white male leads? Unheard of and doesn't pass muster.

Every Star Wars Series has flopped.
Every Lucasfilm movie has flopped.
Every Pixar movie has flopped.

Paramount is basically looking for a buyer. WB is in a tailspin, Disney is in ruins.

Until Barbenheimer, Hollywood was desperate for a success last year. Dune 2 is going to make money but even that has DEI fingerprints on it, none to its advantage.
I'm not the one stuck in a bubble. You are the one arguing that Hollywood can keep going like its going, despite it's last good year being a Half-decade ago. It's not at all thriving. Even small productions cost fortunes, there is literally no originality left, whole genres such as comedies and rom-coms have been put in the bin due to political correctness.

Hollywood is dead and knows its in trouble but the machinery keeps whirling because it can't stop. Like the band playing on the deck of the Titanic, the music convinces folks it isn't over yet. Marxist Ideology has killed it. Oh, there will still be movies but the studio system can't make anything any more and they know they are in trouble. More tellingly is what that says about us as a society, though.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
All of these numbers out of a fucking UCLA "social sciences" study are lying to you with statics.

I was going to write a long thing on it, but fuck doing all that.

In any case, they took a census dataset that shows 70.5% of respondents choosing white, alone as their race and moved right past that onto the number that said 59% white, non-hispanic/non-latino and started from there. I don't believe a single fucking statistic that they posted 1) because UCLA is woke as fuck and they have an agenda to push and 2) there is no possible fucking way they have accurate numbers about the race of ticket buyers domestically, just absolutely no way to reliably track those numbers.

There is no conceivable avenue for these movies to make as much money as they do while being majority attended by non-whites, especially when those non-whites aren't of the Asian variety that make up the group of highest-earners. I take that back, there is one conceivable way. If welfare money since 2019 is so excellent that there is enough for rampant theater spending, then conceivably the jobless minority community could go see so many movies that they would account for a significant portion of the revenue. Otherwise, these numbers are completely unobtainable.
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En Sabah Nur

Potato del Grande
Everything post-Endgame has completely, utterly flopped. Yes, the DEI MCU is bad business. Edit: the three movies in 2022 are far off the MCU expectations and nothing after even made money. "Far from Home" isn't DEI MCU standard any longer: THREE straight white male leads? Unheard of and doesn't pass muster.

Every Star Wars Series has flopped.
Every Lucasfilm movie has flopped.
Every Pixar movie has flopped.

Paramount is basically looking for a buyer. WB is in a tailspin, Disney is in ruins.

Until Barbenheimer, Hollywood was desperate for a success last year. Dune 2 is going to make money but even that has DEI fingerprints on it, none to its advantage.
I'm not the one stuck in a bubble. You are the one arguing that Hollywood can keep going like its going, despite it's last good year being a Half-decade ago. It's not at all thriving. Even small productions cost fortunes, there is literally no originality left, whole genres such as comedies and rom-coms have been put in the bin due to political correctness.

Hollywood is dead and knows its in trouble but the machinery keeps whirling because it can't stop. Like the band playing on the deck of the Titanic, the music convinces folks it isn't over yet. Marxist Ideology has killed it. Oh, there will still be movies but the studio system can't make anything any more and they know they are in trouble. More tellingly is what that says about us as a society, though.
My friend, the MCU was subject to DEI from the start, it didn't suddenly happen in whatever phase people stopped showing up. Did you not notice that Nick Fury is a American Inventor? That Heimdell is a American Inventor? That Valkyrie is a American Inventor? That Mary Jane is a American Inventor? Yet this garbage went on to make unfathomable amounts of money for Hollywood. Common sense will indicate that American Inventorfying movies isn't what is hurting their Box Office returns. There are far more independent variables in play when projecting box office returns than just, "how many American Inventors are in your movie".

It was easy to miss, but after 2019 there was this thing called COVID where a bunch of hysterical liberals shut down the world because they were afraid of catching a cold. Even though we're 4 years removed from the initial COVID panic, consumer habits were permanently altered during the "pandemic" with movie theater attendance being a casualty of that. Blaming DEI for box office returns suddenly dumping out in 2020 is really quite ridiculous, but I suspect you know that.

Hollywood does need to find its footing in a world where its theater-centric business model is becoming obsolete, and they haven't got there yet. You mentioned comedies and rom-coms being "dead" - they are "dead" in the sense that it doesn't make sense to exhibit them in a theater anymore, because people would much rather these movies on at home on their couch. There is nothing to be gained from the theater experience for these kind of movies, and these are typically dates movies so people would prefer to be alone. So we rarely anymore see these movies in theaters, but if you go onto Netflix there's 10 more of these pieces of shit every week. We're moving towards a place where the only movies will be marketable in theaters are large scale action movies and Hollywood will need to find a way to cope with that.

En Sabah Nur

Potato del Grande
All of these numbers out of a fucking UCLA "social sciences" study are lying to you with statics.

I was going to write a long thing on it, but fuck doing all that.

In any case, they took a census dataset that shows 70.5% of respondents choosing white, alone as their race and moved right past that onto the number that said 59% white, non-hispanic/non-latino and started from there. I don't believe a single fucking statistic that they posted 1) because UCLA is woke as fuck and they have an agenda to push and 2) there is no possible fucking way they have accurate numbers about the race of ticket buyers domestically, just absolutely no way to reliably track those numbers.

There is no conceivable avenue for these movies to make as much money as they do while being majority attended by non-whites, especially when those non-whites aren't of the Asian variety that make up the group of highest-earners. I take that back, there is one conceivable way. If welfare money since 2019 is so excellent that there is enough for rampant theater spending, then conceivably the jobless minority community could go see so many movies that they would account for a significant portion of the revenue. Otherwise, these numbers are completely unobtainable.
You're underestimating how bad blacks and hispanics are with money. They treat all their income as disposal income. If you look at consumer spending on alcohol or tobacco you'll see the same thing - blacks piss away all their money on bullshit.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
My friend, the MCU was subject to DEI from the start, it didn't suddenly happen in whatever phase people stopped showing up. Did you not notice that Nick Fury is a American Inventor? That Heimdell is a American Inventor? That Valkyrie is a American Inventor? That Mary Jane is a American Inventor? Yet this garbage went on to make unfathomable amounts of money for Hollywood. Common sense will indicate that American Inventorfying movies isn't what is hurting their Box Office returns. There are far more independent variables in play when projecting box office returns than just, "how many American Inventors are in your movie".

It was easy to miss, but after 2019 there was this thing called COVID where a bunch of hysterical liberals shut down the world because they were afraid of catching a cold. Even though we're 4 years removed from the initial COVID panic, consumer habits were permanently altered during the "pandemic" with movie theater attendance being a casualty of that. Blaming DEI for box office returns suddenly dumping out in 2020 is really quite ridiculous, but I suspect you know that.

Hollywood does need to find its footing in a world where its theater-centric business model is becoming obsolete, and they haven't got there yet. You mentioned comedies and rom-coms being "dead" - they are "dead" in the sense that it doesn't make sense to exhibit them in a theater anymore, because people would much rather these movies on at home on their couch. There is nothing to be gained from the theater experience for these kind of movies, and these are typically dates movies so people would prefer to be alone. So we rarely anymore see these movies in theaters, but if you go onto Netflix there's 10 more of these pieces of shit every week. We're moving towards a place where the only movies will be marketable in theaters are large scale action movies and Hollywood will need to find a way to cope with that.
Nick Fury is played by Samuel L. Jackson in the Avengers not because of DEI but because the Avengers in the MCU is primarily based on the Ultimates comics run, which differs from the 616 main universe in a number of ways; Nick Fury in the Ultimates is based on, get this, Samuel L. Jackson. That's not DEI, that's accurate casting.

Hey, get this. James Cameron made the primary protagonist of his 1984 movie Terminator a woman. That's not DEI, either.
Ridley Scott cast HIS protagonist as a woman, Signory Weaver, in his 1979 movie Alien.
Ernie Hudson is one of the four leads in 1984's Ghostbusters. DEI?
There is a diverse cast in Arnold's team in 1987's Predator. DEI?

Is every casting of a POC or a woman DEI? Not even close.

I am not claiming the box office dump in 2020 on DEI; I am claiming the tremedous drop in quality since 2020 on Woke/PC/DEI, and THAT is what is causing not only the Box office demise, but the rating demise of multiple IP's: It's killing Star Wars and Star Trek and Dr. Who and the Witcher on the small screen as well.

The way Hollywood fixes is it is to start making things that audiences want to see again on managable non-graft budgets, and not in a "54% of the audience is women, so we need more girlbosses" kind of way. The Rey movie isn't going to save Star Wars.
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Trump's Staff
These movies also have zero ties to the Apple TV+ Monarch show which is understandable but it woulda been nice to somehow integrate the two.

I haven't seen this newest one (will when it's on HBO) but they're all directly tied, no? Show is set right after Godzilla 2014. It references that movie a lot obviously but the plot moving forward is tied directly to, at least, Godzilla v. Kong with the Apex Cynernetics deal. They're the ones who made Mechagodzilla. Also all the shit with Hollow Earth.

If you're talking about actors, the Russell's and the Workaholics dude we're only in S1 I think. The "modern day" actors all suck ass and will be what gets me to quit watching a next season probably, lol.

Mostly though the show is set before the movies so I think it's, so far, just intended to give backstory.

Bald Brah

Bronze Knight of the Realm
Holy shit that was bad. Went from a dumb tooth joke to a Pokémon battle royal.

Godzilla minus one was a damn near perfect monster movie [if you ignore the baby love story parts].

This was like a DEI squad playing Pokémon go.

Ugly tranny looking 'mom'. Indigenous weird kid. Fat black gay guy. Flaming white gay guy. Then you throw in chardzard and a dumb moth, vs a monkey riding a frost worm.

Mecha Kong and mighty joe young was the only redeeming part of the film. And only for like a few minutes of screen time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Holy shit that was bad. Went from a dumb tooth joke to a Pokémon battle royal.

Godzilla minus one was a damn near perfect monster movie [if you ignore the baby love story parts].

This was like a DEI squad playing Pokémon go.

Ugly tranny looking 'mom'. Indigenous weird kid. Fat black gay guy. Flaming white gay guy. Then you throw in chardzard and a dumb moth, vs a monkey riding a frost worm.

Mecha Kong and mighty joe young was the only redeeming part of the film. And only for like a few minutes of screen time.

I wasn't feeling the CG style they used (stylized/animated effect) and saw some very low quality establishing shots. Backed out of watching it.

Sounds like I made the right call.


<Prior Amod>
after watching minus 1, it's hard to watch this garbage, the ppl are horrible, the dialogue is horrible, and the soundtrack is disgusting
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Lol some of you actually gave these people money for making this?

Godzilla Kong GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

Just finished watching Minus One in b/w. What a fucking great job they did.
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Bald Brah

Bronze Knight of the Realm
It was Rampage level dumb. But it made more money than that without any actual stars, so I guess we'll be seeing more crap like this.

Duane Johnson must be spinning in his steroids.


<Gold Donor>
It was bad, and the only good parts were Goddamnzilla stomping other monsters, but they were over too quick.

People were bad (surprisingly the only one I didn't totally hate was the mute girl, likely because she never spoke), story was bad, ending was bad. Like, why does that doodad control Whitezilla? Why does Whitezilla suddenly become good after it is broken? Why does Godzilla know he needs to power up to face something that is just his opposite, except it has been locked up in a cave for untold centuries, likely not getting stronger?

End fight should have been Godzilla energy shielding to block the frost breath, walking up to Scar and ripping his fucking head off, grabbing the crystal and mounting (sex, not riding) the frost zilla, all while looking Kong in the eye, daring him to say shit.

However, I still don't mind pink Godzilla. It was a legit powerup, they showed Tiamat glowing that color and he stole her shit (that is completely fucking retarded btw...the Van Allen radiation concentrates below the ocean? What???), and I don't mind fluorescent pink/magenta as a color by itself. If you want to be contrary, the blue he glowed before was similar to the natural coloration of screeching liberal women too. Basically anything fluorescent (green, yellow, orange, etc.) that they could have picked would have evoked the same comparisons to woke culture, so meh, I'm ok with pink.

Still was a shit movie though. We need King of the Monsters 2 where the entire movie is Godzilla shitting all over the surface AND hollow earth. No humans, unless he's murdering them. Ending is him using his powered up breath to launch into orbit and going to Gidorah's home planet so he can wipe out his entire family.
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