"Good" games, that you hate.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I never liked OoT much either. Found the combat and story incredibly boring. I didn't try another zelda game until wind waker, which I enjoyed a lot more.

basically any modern fps, I enjoyed the first MW, but get so bored at all of the new ones and I've hated Halo since the first one. A few hours of the first one on xmas eve with my family is about the only time I ever enjoyed a Halo game.

left 4 dead
kingdom hearts
baldur's gate 2
deus ex (maybe I came back to it too late in the game)

meanwhile I expected to hate skyrim because Oblivion annoyed the shit out of me and ended up loving the shit out of it until I went out of town one weekend and for some reason never ever returned to it


Vyemm Raider
Diablo 2 - I beat it, just could never get into it

CoD/Battlefield - Think I played too much, doom/quake/Unreal Tourney to really enjoy these games.
Torchlight - Kinda wanna see if TL2 is better, but meh.
Magika - Tried just never got far into it.

So many games to list. I don't know I try to like lots of games and end up playing a lot just never finishing most anymore due to time constraints, feels bad man.



Bioshock - Tried to finish this game 5-6 times between xbox and PC and never did.. setting is amazing gameplay puts me to sleep
Witcher - Horrible combat
Elder Scrolls - Horrible combat
Fallout 3
Torchlight 1/2 - Mediocre Diablo clone that certainly doesn't deserve the 'better than diablo' title that keeps getting thrown around no matter how much of a letdown D3 was. It's easy to exceed the bar when it's sitting on the ground.
Dragon Age Origins - I tried to like the first game when it came out and everyone was jerking off over it but I just hated it. Didn't bother with the second.
Minecraft - Never played it, never will, I don't get it. It might be a toy but it's not a 'game'.


Still a Music Elitist
The amount of BioShock, GTA, Witcher and OoT mentions is blowing my mnd. Some of the others I understand, but those games are amazing.

Another one I'd add to the list is Super Mario Brothers 2. I know quite a few people who say that is their favorite NES Mario but I don't get it.


Trakanon Raider
Dragon Age 2 - mainly because the first one was amazing compared to it.

Skyrim - I can see the appeal but I just couldn't throw myself into it, wasted my money.

League of Legends - I played it for awhile and enjoyed it, but I don't know how people have fallen for the OP champion released, buy it, nerf the champion. Paying for champions is also ridiculous.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
All of you who said Skyrim, you give me hope for the future.

ZOMG NO! The fighting is great in that game. The going up to the gargs is so you don't get over run by the half dozen dudes who show up all at once. But once you are up there you can just do whatever you want. You could jump down and start running up to them and punching them if you want, the problem is that they have rifles so the others will possibly just shoot you. Under the suit you are just Bruce Wayne remember, not Superman. But if you are quick you can totally run up to one guy and beat shit out of him, then swoop up to one of the gargs before the other guys come and gun you down. Then wait for them to spread out and repeat the process.

Or you do what the game 'wants' you to do, which is to get above a lone guy, and swoop down on him and kick his ass.

I HIGHLY recommend you get ArkhamCityanyway. It's a totally free roaming city where you fly around the town and get in to whatever battles you want, and escape if things don't look good. The combat works in a similar way but there's more depth to it and freedom in how you approach the fights. You really have to stick with it because at first it just seems button mashy, but later on the enemies get harder, but you also learn how to do the moves properly. The 'fuck which button do I press' thing goes away because you will end up instinctively knowing which buttons to press to do all kinds of acrobatics and ass kicking, and you will end up wiping the floor with 10 guys in one go. It's really really cool...

And I should make it clear that all of this I played on PC which is of course the only way to play any game worth playing. You really should get it, and if you still aren't sure, at least pirate it first just to see. I would hate you to miss out because the first game gave a bad impression.

p.s. And I say this as an old grump who hates all modern action games. This one just happened to be pretty good.
You have just inspired me to un-install the Arkham Asylum which I will never finish and install the Arkham City which has been sitting in my backlog since last December....

Also, Arkham City GOTY will be either $5 or $7.50 during the Steam Sale so it's pretty hard to pass up for anyone I think.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Final Fantasy series. I hate JRPGs and since FF3 is like the paradigm of JRPGs yeah.

CoD series from 2 onward. Completely terrible copy and paste game after game after game gameplay, also more annoying is the fact that its the awesome bro game to play and not faggy to be caught playing or talk about it.

Bioshock. Not so much hate as very, very overly hyped. Enjoyed playing it but you must realize its pretty much a less intuitive SS2 in a different universe.

DeadSpace. I tried playing the first one once and the controls where so god awful bad(god damn mouse control was beyond fucked up) I uninstalled it after 30 minutes. Havent reinstalled it since to see if the horrendous controls where fixed to give it a go.

WoW post TBC. Game changed into a completely hand holding pussy fest and took out the fun things to do(like stealthing around horde cities as a rogue and killing people)


Golden Squire
Already mentioned, but Bayonetta.. Every area and enemy seemed the same to me. Uncharted, got 75% through and couldn't finish it..not sure why. Also, Elder Scrolls game, yet I have a decent reason for this. While I'm sure they are great games and I even like the atmosphere, there is just TOO much to do. I know that's not a bad thing, but I have to do every fucking thing in every area or my OCD kicks in high gear and I go bonkers. I can't make it past the first areas without playing 70 hours.


That guy
Entire Halo series. It started all the terribad things that make modern FPS games terrible:

* Radar
* Aim assist (might have been in other games, but seeing how Halo was the first big online console FPS I'm blaming it)
* Regenerating health/shields
* Peer hosting


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Halo 4
Borderlands 1 and 2
Guild Wars 2
God of War 3
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Dragon Age 1 and 2
Dark Souls
Fallout 3
Gears of War
Assassins Creed
Zelda Twilight Princess
Diablo 3, beat it never touched it again.
Arkham Asylum, Arkham City
Any FF single player RPG. Except 13, which I've somehow put 13 hours in which is a new record for me anymore.

The list goes on and on. I'm beginning to think I just don't like games anymore.
do you evengamebro?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Baldur's Gate 2 (I only enjoyed Baldur's Gate 1 when cheating, but I did play it a lot) - I don't like high fantasy novels, so it's kind of difficult to like a game which has a high fantasy novel amount of reading. Planescape: Torment is an exception though since it is such a bad ass setting.
Witcher 2 (It might get better after the first 30 minutes, but meh)
FFVII - I didn't *hate* it, but I felt it was frustratingly overhyped


qwerty_sl said:
And I should make it clear that all of this I played on PC which is of course the only way to play any game worth playing.
Word. News of Valve working on a Steam Box has me excited.

Azziane_sl said:
I missed the final fantasy/Chrono trigger while it was hot back then. Just did not have the right console for it I guess. I recently tried Chrono Trigger. Could not get into it yet. I never played any Final Fantasy or CT before. Got it on my old iTouch. I really WANT to get into one of the FF (or CT since I hear they're similar). I am having a really hard time getting past the first 5 minutes of the game. Sprite-based town exploring on an iPad or iTouch is tough. I wanna kill shit, get levels and choose skills - not find and talk to random NPCs hoping one of them might have something important to say. Also having a hard time with the part of the game that lets you play "hero" that actually is a kid that can't get out of bed in the morning without his mommy waking him up...
I could understand that. I think a lot of our favorite games of yore are looked at through nostalgia goggles. If jRPGs were your thing, at the time, those simply were the shit. They certainly don't throw you into the action with flashing on-screen tutorials. A lot of it was establishing the story and you sat through it whether you wanted to or not. My quick short list:

Braid - Zaphid, if you thought the game was pretentious do not watch Indie Game: The Movie. Blow comes off too much as the game dev messiah to me.
Crysis - It's a pretty tech demo. It doesn't bring that much else to deserve the high praise.
Diablo 3 - You either hate it, or you're tolerating it. I haven't come across a single friend of mine who loves the game. Blizzard and Bioware are showing exactly what happens to even the mightiest of devs once assimilated.
Gears of War - Combat is alright. Story was written on the back of a Hooters napkin, so I can't really get into it.
League of Legends - I'll install this when a few friends are getting back into it. It only takes a few rounds with the community to remember why I keep nuking this from my hard drive.
Minecraft - Just not my cup of tea. I can't wrap my head around the cult following this game has.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Morrowind/Oblivion - By all rights, these games should be right up my alley. They're RPGs with a huge, expansive world, deep mythology, and a lot of freedom. Yet, every time I load one up to give it a try (and I've tried to get into them several times), I just find myself completing a few tasks and then quickly growing bored. Oddly enough, I loved Fallout 3, which I'm guessing has something to do with its combat system being vastly improved over the horrid one Morrowind and Oblivion have.

Assassin's Creed wasn't fun.
I was going to mention this one as well. First couple of hours were really cool and interesting to me, but then I got to a point where I kept waiting for the game to expand. By the time I got to the 2nd or 3rd city, I realized that this was all the game was and that I was just being forced to do the same stuff over and over again, and I just gave up.

I've heard the second isn't nearly as repetitive, but I have too much on my backlog I know I'll enjoy right now to add something I might not. After the release of AC3, however, I've been more and more tempted to get it since the American Revolution is one of my favorite periods in history.


Lord Nagafen Raider
+1 on Assassins Creed. I was legitimately excited by that game but a few hours in I was like "why am I still playing this?"