Google I/O


<Gold Donor>
Anybody get a ticket to this thing? Managed to get through all of the 500's and the Google Wallet crashes at 7:42 this morning and get one. I'm wondering if Google Glass is going to be given away this year, have some ideas to actually make augmented reality real-world functional if so.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Given the people paying $1500 still don't have them it seems pretty unlikely they'd be under the seats. I considered trying to go but decided I couldn't justify the entrance fee + flight + hotels.


Trump's Staff
Given the people paying $1500 still don't have them it seems pretty unlikely they'd be under the seats. I considered trying to go but decided I couldn't justify the entrance fee + flight + hotels.
I dunno. They gave away the original Samsung Chromebooks to the entire conference back before they were even available for preorder. Wouldn't surprise me if they gave away at leastsomesets of Glass.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dunno. They gave away the original Samsung Chromebooks to the entire conference back before they were even available for preorder. Wouldn't surprise me if they gave away at leastsomesets of Glass.
I can't see why you would think that was a legitimate comparison, Chromebooks didn't have a people who had been waiting for a year nor was Google holding a submission based contest for companies to get a hold of them.


<Gold Donor>
I can see why it's not a good 1:1 comparison of technology swag given demand but it still does fall into the realm of what they are trying to accomplish with the conference. Although strictly ivy league in hiring nature I think that Google sees the benefits of possibly taking a chance on the independent dev if it means something interesting that they can possibly showcase for glass for launch (also minimal buyout costs if one of the attendees does come up with something killer). I'm not holding my breath for it and it is definitely a crap shoot but there are benefits for releasing early to the conference devs. On the flip side that would also mean that they are running the chance that the big houses who are in the waiting queue can grab a glass swag from an independent on Ebay or some such so it probably isn't going to happen.