GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What I really want to know is the Marge angle in the whole High Sparrow storyline. She is obviously playing something but I can't quite seem to understand what her end game is. I highly doubt simple release was her goal and paying so much for her freedom. There has got to be something else going on there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What I really want to know is the Marge angle in the whole High Sparrow storyline. She is obviously playing something but I can't quite seem to understand what her end game is. I highly doubt simple release was her goal and paying so much for her freedom. There has got to be something else going on there.
You really think not wanting to walk through king's landing naked isn't good enough motivation on its own?


Got something right about marriage
You really think not wanting to walk through king's landing naked isn't good enough motivation on its own?
I think it is but they've painted the women of her family, including her, as being very cunning and calculating. So it would be kind of a let down if that's all it was.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What the hell else could she possibly be after? She's already the queen she doesn't benefit from things turning into a bigger mess. If something happens to Tommen she isn't queen anymore.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What the hell else could she possibly be after? She's already the queen she doesn't benefit from things turning into a bigger mess. If something happens to Tommen she isn't queen anymore.
There are many things. This entire show is about trying to take over the throne. She could generate an heir and then try to pull the rug out from Tommen so her son would become the presumptive king. She could be trying to install an alliance with the crown and faith to simply try and remove Cersei. Like I said I don't know. But you're taking a very base interpretation of the events when I simply think there is more going on with Marge. She's power hungry and I wonder how this alliance helps with her lust for power.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Unless the plan is to get rid of the Lannisters so the Tyrell can take over.
Which is something only a Cersei-level retard would try and set in motion without being able to communicate with Olenna. All of these theories about Margaery having big plans are ignoring the fact that nothing would benefit her more than returning things to the status quo before trying to make some kind of power play.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It is also something they brought up on that After the Thrones show of "who is playing who." The audience is lead to believe it is Sparrow vs Cersei and the Sparrow is winning. But it could actually be Marge (or the Tyrells in general) are the ones who are actually manipulating that rivalry.

Obviously Sparrow is trying to manipulate Tommen by allowing a 1v1 interaction with Marge after he thinks he's pocketed Marge. What she said to Tommen was just a bittooatoning for me to completely buy. It just felt like she was saying the right things. So Marge has recognized the Sparrow is trying to operate through Tom and now she's giving the Sparrow what he thinks he wants but has completely different plans.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
What I really want to know is the Marge angle in the whole High Sparrow storyline. She is obviously playing something but I can't quite seem to understand what her end game is. I highly doubt simple release was her goal and paying so much for her freedom. There has got to be something else going on there.
I think Marg had already given up on Tommen finding his balls and getting her out of there, and figured none of the others would go against him and bust her out anyway. So she engineered a way to get out, figuring she could control Tommen well enough that once she's out, she can undo whatever.

The thing that cemented it for me was her look of utter astonishment and then joy that the army had come for her. She didn't expect it... but then when she realized they were there for her, she was satisfied and happy. But knew she would be ok either way.


Millie's Staff Member
well, margaery is playing it safe, she plays along, gets absolved and is back to being the beloved queen. tommen is a dumshit living on borrowed time, wont be long before he gets himself killed and then margaery takes over. cersei will lose because unmountain is going to die in the cleganebowl and then she will flee the kingdom where she ends up getting choked to death by her little brother. everything's coming up millhouse for marge.


Trakanon Raider
Which is something only a Cersei-level retard would try and set in motion without being able to communicate with Olenna. All of these theories about Margaery having big plans are ignoring the fact that nothing would benefit her more than returning things to the status quo before trying to make some kind of power play.
Do you even watch the show? Just a few episodes ago, she was chastising her brother for being weak and telling him he had to be strong, that they couldn't let themselves be broken, and now you think she all of a sudden turned out to be the same way? She knew her family would never allow her to make that walk of atonement, and she is definitely planning something by getting her husband to join up with the Sparrow. I don't buy that she suddenly had this revelation after speaking to the Sparrow by herself one time. She's smarter than that. She is definitely planning something.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Does anyone expect Sandor to lose to Ungregor? I mean the guy is even more dangerous than when he was alive.


Trakanon Raider
Who would be King if Tommen dies at the end of the season? Does it become a free for all at that point? This shit goes in patterns. There hasn't been enough death of the main pieces this season. I say at least 4 main people won't be back next season due to being killed off the last 2 shows of the season.

Either the person is "evil", goes on a winning streak, then gets fucked/killed and if not killed they go back on a winning streak soon after or the person is "good" and they are on a winning streak, get fucked/killed and if not killed they go on another winning streak. There's nothing subtle in this show at all. Hulk Hogan going heel in WCW is 10x more than anything shown in the show so far.

Arya's arc is just been longer than normal. She has passed the fucked part, and is about to hit the winning streak. It has been set up since day one with the Waif being jealous of her and always beating her/training her. She refused to kill for her mission, it wasn't a test and why people think that I have no idea. So now she is forced to be killed by the Waif, but Arya is about to win and kill her starting the cycle all over again.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone think there's anything more to the visions Bran had? Obviously some of it was stuff that had already happened, but I wonder if there was more to it by showing it to the viewer. Bran, for example, would have already known the history of Aerys and Jaime but that was prominent in the flashback. Also, in the flashback, it looks like the wildfire actually was ignited, but that didn't happen in the actual timeline, right? Part of me thinks maybe will Jaime will end up having to kill Cersei when she goes crazy from her plans not coming to fruition and decides she just wants to burn the whole city down as retribution (she does know about the wildfire and her necromaester would clearly be able to help out in that kind of shit).
I'm a bit late replying to this, but the fact that the Mad King had given an order to burn the entire town is NOT common knowledge. Jaime revealing that fact in the show was a bit of a twist, most people think he just decided to kill the king because they were losing the battle and he wanted to join the winners. That's why he got the Oathbreaker nickname. If more people realized that Jaime basically saved the entire population of King's Landing by doing that, he wouldn't have gotten such a negative reputation.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Here is my show theory:

There will be no real LSH. Instead, it will be revealed to be Littlefinger controlling the BWOB. He can then leverage Brienne to get Jaime to fall into a trap. It works in his interest to get both out of the way (Brienne because she is something between himself and Sansa, and Jamie because dead Lannisters creates chaos).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Theories are fun.

Why Arya and The Waif are the same person.

So here are a few things which are interesting about the waif.

? She is only seen by either Jaqen H'ghar or by Arya.
? She has a very incredible back story, much like Mercy or Cat of the Canals.
? She know's what Arya is doing, all the time. She knows when she lies. She can tell where she is.
? She tries to force Arya to leave. She makes her insecure.

So here's my theory, get some tinfoil..

The waif is Arya. Arya is suffering from some sort of bi-polar dissociative identity disorder. A case can be made that when Arya came to the House of Black and White, the water that she drank induced this in her. In a way, The Waif is no one. Her only mission is to kill off Arya, the inner Arya, the one who can never be one of them.

This is why Jaqen H'ghar always wants the Waif to leave the room before he begins talking to Arya. He essentially wants Arya to stop behaving in a dual personality manner. He just wants to talk to Arya. So the Waif leaves. Just when Arya is alone, she appears again.

When the waif asks Jaqen H'ghar, "You PROMISED", it's actually Arya. Arya has finally asked to kill her inner self. Al lot of people have observed that Jaqen H'ghar looks a bit pleased with himself when he permits the Waif.
this would be amazing.

also from that thread
Arya and the Waif do battle, and after fighting valiantly, Arya is killed. We are all fucking stunned for a few moments (maybe even 30+ minutes if they decide to show other scenes elsewhere).
The Waif goes to Jaqen and announces that Arya Stark is dead. The waif removes her face to reveal that it was Arya all along, and Jaqen asks who a girl is.
A girl replies "No one." - Credits.
Edit: Also, this will probably happen in the episode "No One" instead of the upcoming episode.