GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
What I really hope is that the first minute of the next episode is Sansa slapping LF and saying "if you were going to come you should have sent a rider" and then he replies "I am so sorry m'lady but I only just arrived and was not sure I would even make it". Jon will then say "good call, no way you could get a raven to us and a rider wouldn't have made it through their picket lines". Daavos would say "aye" and nod then clutch his stag tightly while brooding. Melisandre would mumble something in the corner about the light knowing those men had to die. End scene with Tormund sighing wistfully and cut to Brienne.
This is even dumber than the Darth Sansa theories.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am not sure why this is difficult.

1. You said Euron is likely an irrelevant character to the story. I disagreed due to the fact that Dany now requires some means of making her weaker so she doesn't roflstomp Westeros with her insanely OP Army at present. As this same Army is both large enough and has enough resources to effectively destroy a limitless number of wights and likely WW as well, and a curb stomp is not dramatic television or reading.

2. They've previously abandoned the Greyjoy Plotline (Yara included). We can infer this when Daario acquired the amount of ships necessary to equal what Yara brought with The Iron Fleet last episode. By burning them earlier this season they gave the Greyjoys a niche to fill.

3. Because they've decided to resurrect the Greyjoy plotline (and release of a relevant Euron related chapter) we can infer that he is meant to do something to this effect. Previous book elements also elude to this happening as well as Theon and Yara talking to Dany about a coming conflict with Euron in the near future with the remaining Iron Fleet and the ships he has. They said that Theon and Yara brought about half of the Iron Fleet.
I feel Danywillstomp Westeros. Possibly KL will be completely turned upside down next episode when Cersei blows it up. That would be indicative of the Dany vision of showing a ruined throne room. I'm taking that vision to mean she has effectively conquered Westeros with the Iron Throne being the best metaphor for ruling the kingdom. That will be most of next season her doing that. Then after that she is see going north of the wall. Obviously that means she needs to fight the WW threat after effectively conquering Westeros. At this point is where she'll probably be cut down to size. That would be the primary focus of the final season.

I feel if they are going to introduce Euron as having some means of controlling the dragons they should have already done it. Possibly Euron could have revealed it at the kingsmoot and it would have given the interaction between Yarra + Dany some actual meaning outside of "lol he said he gun fuk u gud" as the reason Dany should be concerned about Euron. In the end I just see Euron sailing to Meereen and Dany and Yarra girl power bonding moment occurring by ravaging his fleet.

They only have what 17 more episodes after this one to wrap it up? Dany needs to come into Westeros and completely crush it to make everyone bend the knee to then allow the fight against the WW to occur. They can't have her whimper in and show her conquering each kingdom individually.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
They did reveal his means to fuck over Dany in the book version of the Kingsmoot. But your point now makes some sense. Book version Victarion had the Dragon Horn and intended to use it. But I highly doubt that he intended to tell Dany he had it and what it could do or anything. Since Yara wants to ally with Dany, giving her the knowledge to warn her of the threat of a magical Dragon Horn would not be the best move. Like, if Dany both knew his fleet would come and he had the horn she would make efforts to avoid it or something.

While it will be dumb to reveal the Dragon Horn later. It actually does make sense that Yara was in a position to not know about it. So we get another instance of dat shocking reveal.

I could be completely wrong, but more time to destroying Euron's fleet for a Girl Power moment is equally as silly. Who knows what these writers are thinking.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bunch of nerds getting their panties in a twist up in here for no reason. Talk about ppl missing lines of dialogue? I'm fairly certain half of you are playing clash of clans or some other bull shit on your tablet while you have this on in the background when more than one person stated "why did dany burn all the masters ships?!?" when it very clearly showed the dragons burning ONE ship. And she burns that ONE ship literally right in half, and it looked fucking awesome, just as a display of power. She could have more than easily just made a swooping pass burning several ships, but she didn't, because she wanted the ships intact. Or did you think she went ship by ship with all 3 dragons roasting them right in two?


privileged excrementlord
If it wasn't for the time constraints I could see them showing Euron cruising through Valyria on the way to Slaver's Bay to pick up the horn/valyrian steel armor/whatever other trinkets end up being important to his character.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Mures, are we talking about the same thing here?

Dany's dragons burned one Master ship. Some people burned all of the ships acquired by Daario in like episode 4. Two different ship burning incidents.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bunch of nerds getting their panties in a twist up in here for no reason. Talk about ppl missing lines of dialogue? I'm fairly certain half of you are playing clash of clans or some other bull shit on your tablet while you have this on in the background when more than one person stated "why did dany burn all the masters ships?!?" when it very clearly showed the dragons burning ONE ship. And she burns that ONE ship literally right in half, and it looked fucking awesome, just as a display of power. She could have more than easily just made a swooping pass burning several ships, but she didn't, because she wanted the ships intact. Or did you think she went ship by ship with all 3 dragons roasting them right in two?
I'm a th7. Wanna join my clan?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Mures, are we talking about the same thing here?

Dany's dragons burned one Master ship. Some people burned all of the ships acquired by Daario in like episode 4. Two different ship burning incidents.
He's too busy playing clash of clans or some other bullshit on his tablet to actually read the thread.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Mures, are we talking about the same thing here?

Dany's dragons burned one Master ship. Some people burned all of the ships acquired by Daario in like episode 4. Two different ship burning incidents.
He's too busy playing clash of clans or some other bullshit on his tablet to actually read the thread.
Well its astro so we know he isn't paying attention, and I'm pretty sure there was one other person some pages back who said something about dany burning all the master's ships.
Dany stuff was visually awesome but kinda stupid. tyrion "well here is our fleet" as 3 dragons proceed to burn them into fucking ash. then asha shows up and its all "has the iron islands ever had a female lord? nope. well saddle up ugmo its time for some grrrrrl powah!"


This is even dumber than the Darth Sansa theories.
Avatar bet that they mention it in some way?

If they mention it in a way that shows Sansa knows nothing about it beforehand, I pick your avatar for the off season.

If they mention in some way that she knew about it and kept it close to the chest you choose mine for the off season.

If neither happens nobody wins.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't understand why she wouldn't have burned the Masters' ships. She wasn't around when her own ships were burned, so I guess because she didn't see them in battle with the Masters she just assumed something had happened to them? Oh wait, I do understand, shitty writing.

She should have destroyed the fleet, then have Tyrion be like BUT WE NEEDED THOSE SHIPS and then have Yara and Theon show up with just enough ships to get her forces to Westeros.

Avatar bet that they mention it in some way?

If they mention it in a way that shows Sansa knows nothing about it beforehand, I pick your avatar for the off season.

If they mention in some way that she knew about it and kept it close to the chest you choose mine for the off season.

If neither happens nobody wins.
Fuck no. Something being dumber than shit doesn't mean these writers won't do it.


Molten Core Raider
Total guess with no spoilers... I will say Tommen for sure. Likely the High Sparrow and many sparrows. Those have been pretty heavily telegraphed. I also think we will see some Freys die too.
Doubt it will be too much longer if not on Sunday for Kevin and Pycelle. Cersei will likely get a limited time shot at being outright ruler of kings landing before she goes nuclear.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Tommen, Pycelle, and Kevan at minimum.

And Tyrion even made a small jab about the dumb boat situation when he said something like, "our queen does love her ships!"


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't understand why she wouldn't have burned the Masters' ships. She wasn't around when her own ships were burned, so I guess because she didn't see them in battle with the Masters she just assumed something had happened to them? Oh wait, I do understand, shitty writing.

She should have destroyed the fleet, then have Tyrion be like BUT WE NEEDED THOSE SHIPS and then have Yara and Theon show up with just enough ships to get her forces to Westeros.

Fuck no. Something being dumber than shit doesn't mean these writers won't do it.
Don't you reckon after Dany tells tyrion that she's going to fucking wreck them and before they parlay with the masters they devised a battle plan? And Tyrion would have told her, "yo, lets not burn all these ships because those fuckers burned your last ones. lets just burn one as a display of power."


<Bronze Donator>
If Littlefinger would've shown up early with the Knights of the Vale, and Ramsay knew they were there, he never would've left the damn castle, and it would've taken them months, if not years, to retake Winterfell
eh i'm pretty sure Wun Wun could have still punched through that flimsy door.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
There is also the secret Stark escape tunnel that we know Ramsay doesn't know exists. Conveniently Sansa forgot about it also!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Did Sansa ever know about the tunnel? I thought it was the Winterfell maester (forget his name now) was the one that told Bran/Rick about it? I can't completely recall, though.