GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I'm not sure there would be much "convincing" beyond a big ol' sack of gold and a promise of a castle. The great thing about Bronn is that he gives no fucks and will do whatever is best for him.

Not true. He could have run that last fight. He has some internal code.
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Vyemm Raider
Regarding the Arya/Jon reunion, I'm kind of curious how a faceless man would react to someone coming back from the dead. I have no expectation that the show writers would even address it and you could easily explain that Arya no longer subscribes to that religion but for all the emphasis that death was "owed a name" I would think knowing someone was resurrected could be pretty shocking for a true faceless man believer. Could even lead to a situation where Jaqen comes to kill Jon and you get an Arya/Jaqen duel.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Not true. He could have run that last fight. He has some internal code.

That's true. He does have a measure of loyalty. He was pretty loyal to Tyrion for a while, too. However, I highly doubt he would refuse to jump ship to Dany's side if taken prisoner. He's not THAT loyal, and he would see that being on her side could offer much better rewards.


Gunnar Durden
They are Mongols.

Maybe in the books.

Lets check off the walk like a duck list

They are literally dressed like Dances with Wolves Extras. Leather and frills. They paint their faces like the redman. They tip and fight like the red man. They worship horses.

Im sure GRRM s original vision of the Dokraki were based on the Mongol Horde. But the show has made them indians. Short of them trading all their shit for trinkets.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
writers ripping of Michael Bay flicks in the next episode:

Dany: Bend the knee...or refuse and die.

Optimus did it better.

Holy shit that was awful. Keg you should be ashamed for linking that level of trash. We did nothing to you to deserve that.
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Millie's Staff Member
I don't think so. I could be wrong, but I really don't remember that. I know in the books they specific mention it is volcanic in nature.
you're right, i brainfarted on this, was tired when i posted. the dragon glass is superheated rock, volcano lava will do this and of course super heated rock from a dragon. although i think a flash heat like that would just make the rock explode. Dragonstone was a great place for dragons because it was still on top of a semi active volcano and it was just right for a dragon's nest. was always rumored there might be more dragons down there or eggs at least. nope. just snow elf drawings.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I'm thinking Littlefinger. Arya was pouring him wine at Harrenhal when he was breaking bread with Tywin so she knows he was involved in everything that went down between the Lannisters and her family. Plus the way she reacted when she found out he was in Winterfell. Throw in the dagger going from him to Bran to her and they're pretty much telegraphing him becoming a last minute addition to her list.

That's to subtle for these show writers to come up with. I mean they literally have little finger going around Winterfell key person to key person saying I wanna fuck Sansa you should like me.
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Millie's Staff Member
They arent Muslims, they are Native American stand ins. Hence the incessant yipping and Red Man fighting style. The Dothraki are pretty much Braves. Get your SJW shit right you fucking white male.
it was supposed to be an homage to an old western cowboys and indians fight stagecoach robbery movie. notice the western US looking backdrop. probably the same area of Spain where Sergio Leone filmed his movies.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures

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Gunnar Durden
it was supposed to be an homage to an old western cowboys and indians fight stagecoach robbery movie. notice the western US looking backdrop. probably the same area of Spain where Sergio Leone filmed his movies.

I think we need to have a quick discussion on who is what.

Westerosi - White Euros
Northerers - Norway, Sweden, Finland types.
Iron Islands - Vikings (yes I know that is similar)
Westerlands/Riverlands/Vale - English
The Reach - French Roses
Stormlands - Italians
Dornish - Spaniards and Portuguese
Dothraki - Casino Indians
Slavers bay - West Africans, Who profit from the enslavement of their own people.
Wildings - Muslim horde of uneducated and violent refugees.
The Iron Bank - jews
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Here you go you little twats.

The Dothraki were actually fashioned as an amalgam of a number of steppe and plains cultures... Mongols and Huns, certainly, but also Alans, Sioux, Cheyenne, and various other Amerindian tribes... seasoned with a dash of pure fantasy. So any resemblance to Arabs or Turks is coincidental. Well, except to the extent that the Turks were also originally horsemen of the steppes, not unlike the Alans, Huns, and the rest.

There do exist many other cultures and civilizations in my world, to be sure. The peoples of Yi Ti have been mentioned, as have the Jogos Nhai. I am not sure to what extent those peoples will ever enter this present story, however... their lands are very far away.

(I also have peoples and tribes that are pure fantasy constructs, like the Qartheen and the brindled men of Sothoryos).

In general, though, while I do draw inspiration from history, I try to avoid direct one-for-one transplants, whether of individuals or of entire cultures. Just as it not correct to say that Robert was Henry VIII or Edward IV, it would not be correct to say that the Dothraki are Mongols.

IMNSHO, anyway.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Even if the Dothraki just decimated the ass end of the Lannister army( I think it was a bit more than just stragglers), did it hurt the Dothraki horde at all? They wipe out around a thousand Lannisters, burn their supplies, ass rape their generals, and lose a Few Good Men? It's still a devastating defeat either way and now there are lots of soldiers to feed and less food. How's that much better with a horde outside your gates? This was a crushing blow to Cersei no matter the manpower lost.

While the writing for Littlefinger isn't impressive, I like how it is unfolding. Littlefinger is a magnificent schemer in the right environment. Where he knows the rules. When it's normal intrigue and relatable goals. We've went past that. Circumstances change and no matter how well he planned or the power he thought he gained, this is a story of earth shattering consequences. He's grossly unprepared for such. What good is all the scheming in the world with White Walkers, dragons, and teleporting fleets? He's a small fish and it's time to get eaten.

White Walkers - Kangz?

LMAO. Too organized, no infighting, have shown real progress towards goals, and they have real leadership. Fake News!
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