This. Less swimming. More floating downstream
Then they should have made the scene last week end with them being carried away underwater instead of sinking straight down.
Good news because I hear The Night King has been in the market for a new pet....
Then they should have made the scene last week end with them being carried away underwater instead of sinking straight down.
We'll just call it.....
As someone who has been swept downriver both whitewater rafting and hiking in only 2-3 feet of a stream that didn't look so swift, I can totally get currents. Still that was some serious distance. Maybe they came up for air 20-30 feet away and Dany was back to tugging at her dragons umm err spear and didn't notice but they sure made it to look like they went all that distance and Jamie was all but drowned and being dragged. I'll just assume the writer has never been knocked off a horse in a smoke polluted environment which fills the lungs with particles making it hard to breathe and Jamie managed to get a super prepared breath of air before wading hundreds of meters downstream wearing 80+ lbs of armor/swords.While I mostly agree...if they show the current, there's no cliffhanger about Jaime surviving, we'll just assume/know he survived a little harder than we already did b/c why else would you have someone knock him off his horse to save him from dragon fire if he wasn't going to survive...
As someone who has been swept downriver both whitewater rafting and hiking in only 2-3 feet of a stream that didn't look so swift, I can totally get currents. Still that was some serious distance. Maybe they came up for air 20-30 feet away and Dany was back to tugging at her dragons umm err spear and didn't notice but they sure made it to look like they went all that distance and Jamie was all but drowned and being dragged. I'll just assume the writer has never been knocked off a horse in a smoke polluted environment which fills the lungs with particles making it hard to breathe and Jamie managed to get a super prepared breath of air before wading hundreds of meters downstream wearing 80+ lbs of armor/swords.
Why not just have Benjen willfully go as a friendly addition to the band of brothers, and use him as evidence? I wouldnt be surprised if thats what happened at this point.
I would but I trained myself early in my teens to pick many locks using nothing but hairpins and needles. Course can't do that very well with real door locks but patio locks/most chests. easypeasy.Not that I disagree with this as an actual factual discussion of how this would actually work in the real world with someone in a smoke filled environment with a dragon nearby and heavy armor on...
But shouldn't we also then be bitching we didn't see Arya's lockpicking training montage?
Rewound and paused after the episode to read the note. Looked like Sansa's letter to Robb (it was Robb, wasn't it?) and thought the same. Looks like Baelish is sowing discord once again.I paused the screen and most of the note was blurry. However, I think it was the note that Sansa did when Cersei tricked her into basically betraying her family. Littlefinger is probably setting things up so Sansa's family wants to cut ties with her (Arya specifically), ensuring that he remains the only steadfast ally for her.
Seven people is far from a raid group. They are just gonna XP farm somewhere in Velious, although I can't remember what zone had undead in at at the moment.
I would but I trained myself early in my teens to pick many locks using nothing but hairpins and needles. Course can't do that very well with real door locks but patio locks/most chests. easypeasy.