Given that we now know Bran spent years north of the wall, thanks to the testimony of Sam, the speed of the untiring undead army is now even more remarkably slow.
especially if you consider how they zerg rushed Hardhome.
Given that we now know Bran spent years north of the wall, thanks to the testimony of Sam, the speed of the untiring undead army is now even more remarkably slow.
This is assuming they are making a B-line toward the south. They are actually hitting up some grinding spots north of the wall to get their army levels up a bit. Some of those wights are like level 2 or 3 and will be quite ineffective in the warmer weather.Given that we now know Bran spent years north of the wall, thanks to the testimony of Sam, the speed of the untiring undead army is now even more remarkably slow.
They were roaming around until the next book comes out.We have been complaining about the white walkers not moving for over a year. Do you not think there might be an explanation other than just them walking slow?
Something they are waiting on from further north. Some certain days into winter so they can sustain life long enough?
That is the problem. We've seen what the show can be when the writing is excellent so we now have a comparison point. Who knows how the show would have fared if it was at this level from the start. I'm willing to guess it would have been something middling, like True Blood or whatever. Nothing fantastic.If you watched the "after the thrones" segment the language that the writer/directors used seemed a little sketchy. they mentioned that GRRM had a plan for Gendry, but it seemed like from their language that he never shared it with them but that it was important to have him meet up with the rest of the crew. I'm assuming WATCHTEAM6 was GRRM's idea but the forming of the group they never got details on and had to wing it. They were like "oh Davos is going to be in fleabottom, we'll just have him meet Gendry there".
Also i dont know what you nerds are complaining about, yea the writing is not as good as the first few seasons with Bobby B but the show is still better than 99% of other television.
They don't have to fight. Jon is the legitimate King of the North, Dany is the Queen of the rest. Kind of a split, but equal, rule.
Did you see the Night King just sitting up on his horse, looking smug as ever. Yeah dude, your powerful as fuck, but I would be kind of bummed all of his homeboys are slow movers. I mean, how many White Walkers are there? Crastor was feeding him babys for a while so maybe his WW incubator is ready to spawn more? White Walkers are at least very fast, if the NK had an army of White Walkers Westeros would have been a frozen iceworld dominated by ice zombies yeeeeeeaaaaars ago.
Right, so why jump through hoops to make him legitimate. Just to have her accept his position? He gives no fucks. It'd be nice for the culmination of his reveal to have actual impact. The story has played an awfully long con with it. The haughty princess, who's already queen of a lot of shit in Essos and thinks she owns westeros by birthright would have to deal with having zero claim. Probably not enough time left for it to be a point of conflict but it should be.
So Gilly basically confirmed that Jon is not a bastard at all? Seems she was reading about a secret wedding between Rhaegar and Lyanna. Not that it matters? Does anyone give a fuck about succession at this point when everyone is after everyone?!
This isn't something where their DNA is going to unlock a door that gives them access to F16's or something.
I think that little scene with him petting the dragon was signaling toward that.Jon's DNA might give him access to dragons broski
In a show that's moving 1000 miles per hour with very little subtlety at this point, I assume everything means something now.It'd be nice if it didn't. Not everything on the show has to mean something. Maybe it means he's a Targ and....that's it.
Can't wait for that Maester's 15,728 shits to be revealed as somethig thenIn a show that's moving 1000 miles per hour with very little subtlety at this point, I assume everything means something now.