Also replying just seems to be timing out without quoting the replied to post apparently!
Episode going to make people shit bricks. The banter on the trek north was fucking gold. Tormund and Hound talking about Brienne had me rolling. All the different interactions were good though, Jon and Beric, Jon and Jorah, Thoros and Jorah even talking about him rushing through the gap at Pyke. Agree with everyone else the Winterfell stuff is's pretty silly. I liked it when Sansa discovered Arya's shit, and Arya talked about playing the Game of Faces with her, but overall it's just silly and Bran should be like "yo fam, this is what you need to know". I'm sure it's coming but the lead up is just not great. Only worthwhile scene at WF was Sansa sending Brienne to KL for the big meet up, although she treated her like shit then, too. Starting to wonder about the Bran is the NK/Bran the Builder theories too, might be something there. Overall great episode though, you knew the ice dragon was coming a mile away but still was good shit when eyes opened up blue.
She's his aunt, not siblings, but close blood relatives all the same
Can someone ELI5 this Bran shit? I'm confused... he's the NK why?
how off the charges are the episode 6 leak metrics? hollywood getten rich this week baby.
theres a vid out there that actually explains it but it's something like original bran (we don't know which bran we're on in this show) goes back to work with the children of the forest for reasons, but they use him (magic rock in sternum) as a weapon against humans to win their war, thus creating the NK and things spiralying out of control. If this is the way they go who fuckings knows what timeline we're on and neckbeards will be arguing over nuance for decades. Will make the 'primer' timeline chart look like a friends episode.
Ahh, found this Is Bran The Night King On 'Game Of Thrones'? This Season 7 Theory Could Change The Entire Series which seems to do a good job at explaining the theory. Interesting if true.
Still ravens probably go a solid 50mph and dragons 80-100. 1000 miles of raven flight would be 20 hours
Not sure sailing speed of armadas but I would guess 10-20mph range?
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i believe i posted this before, GRRM said his ravens are faster and stronger than homing pigeons
which can sustain 90mph
forget which youtuber, but compared got ships to vikings, which reported avg like 7 knots (8mph) over long trips
they could peak around 15-20 knots (17-20mph)
Show went from Interstellar to Armageddon
I wouldn't disagree with your judgement. I'm just shocked we didn't throw in somehow that The Martian was better than the other 2 or set the bar really low with that Deep Impact one and create a justified sliding scale. Using those 4 we could easily make a rating system for each scene in Game of Thrones.I guess I liked Interstellar a lot more than most. Although I'd agree 2nd half got worse with the over the top "love" stuff. Maybe I still just think of it as the original script which would have been amazing.
Armageddon still fun too, just more a popcorn movie.