holy shit this is so savage lol...Adult Swim after Rick and Morty last night:
holy shit this is so savage lol...Adult Swim after Rick and Morty last night:
Night King has the same problem daeny has. an Ice Dragon is OP and so he could literally destroy every stronghold he wants, including KL. with that in mind. Ice Dragon is going to die the first or second episode. all they needed it for was to contrive the breaking of The Wall so they can lose him pretty fast.
Why exactly was Brienne at the little pow wow? I get she was representing Sansa, but Sansa is just holding down Winterfell for Jon. Turrible.
Theon's getting repeatedly kneed in the nuts was so dumb too.
I'm glad LF died groveling on his knees like a pussy, just because it enrages all the book fags who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how great he supposedly was.
The Theon thing is the dumbest because he still has nuts. Like I said just because the new show writers are nutless cunt's
just to point out how OP this Ice Dragon is. it can hover in place, shoot a constant spray of blue fire and can fly at top speed without breathing or getting tired. basically NK could take down the entire world single handely. when he was done with westeros, he could then zoom on over to braavos and the other areas and fuck over everything and nobody could stop him.Pretty much. He doesn't even need an army at this point. The dragon will die in some contrived fashion forcing the NK to hoof it giving Bran enough time to figure out how to mindfuck him. Theres no conventional way for anyone to face the NK unless Jon somehow gains superpowers.
anyone have an outline for season 8, like we had an outline for season 7 last year?
I'm glad LF died groveling on his knees like a pussy, just because it enrages all the book fags who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how great he supposedly was.
I couldn't help but think how many people & crazies that line, can't have a family with no cock triggered. HBO is going on the Trump train finally!111Varys was always the better strategist. Cock screwed LF. No cock best cock.
That conversation bron and jaime had pretty much sums up all events
Sansa and arya weren't working together until the final episode, after her talk with LF. There was no point in playing a game before then since they didn't learn anything new; she could have killed him long before for the same reasons. Sansa just eventually figured it out this episode.
Tell me how you melt the middle of a wall and it falls outward into a downhill pile of rubble?
Dude just re-watch episode 6, this isn't worthy of debate, you either missed the conversations or weren't paying enough attention; there is no alternative explanation, the writers intended it.
Tell me how you melt the middle of a wall and it falls outward into a downhill pile of rubble?
The ruined wall was approximately 300 feet tall, 1000 ft long, and 40 ft thick. That's 445000 cubic yards of material. With hand excavation a skeleton can move approximately .333cy an hour. That means we need at minimum of 1,346,800 skeleton man hours to move the debris. Even if you had a skeleton every linear foot along the collapsed wall on 24/7 shifts you're looking at 56 days to remove the debris. Of course you could make a pass so you wouldn't have to move it all and you could send a crew to the other side to start but I can't see making it passable in less than 4 days and that's with good weather.