> Than U
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I do and like what I want son. Prometheus was the best movie EVEROlebass, you a bad, son.
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I do and like what I want son. Prometheus was the best movie EVEROlebass, you a bad, son.
I generally agree with this. I don't think the show is amazing. I certainly wouldn't hold it up against some other TV HBO has done as a work of art, but it's still very entertaining. It might be one of the most purely entertaining shows ever made. Does that make it good? Either way hard to call it anything but an absolute success. Even these later seasons that are hurt by not having source material to work off of.
The Wire, Rome, and Deadwood all have some deep, existential human shit in them. Spartacus and Game of Thrones are just good stories that are entertaining to watch. There's nothing wrong with either, but it's hard to compare them because they're not the same thing. I love Game of Thrones, but out of the 900 characters on the show, not one of them is half as deep as Pullo, Swearengen, or Omar. There are minor characters in Deadwood that are more human than anyone in GoT.
I never watched Rome. But I have Deadwood & The Wire on Bluray. And have all 8 seasons of Sopranos on DVD from when each DVD box set first came out. Also every season of GoT on Bluray. I love me some HBO shows.
No, it's pretty much the opposite of Starz Fuckery. Season 1 is, for me, the best season of TV ever made (Some other shows may challenge it for the best show, but this season is truly something else). Aside from MAYBE deadwood, there isn't another show that was as good in every respect that makes a TV show good; that hits every note well.
Don't be mad your people were looked down upon in both of those showsSOMEONE never watched Breaking Bad. Hands down the most compelling first Season for multiple reasons. Rome was good. DAMN good. Deadwood is also good. But pulling those from HISTORY cheapens the value IMHO.
SOMEONE never watched Breaking Bad. Hands down the most compelling first Season for multiple reasons. Rome was good. DAMN good. Deadwood is also good. But pulling those from HISTORY cheapens the value IMHO.
Rewatch it. Season one had some of the strongest character development of a single person ever. Most people didn't get on board until later but that first season was so critical and well done. I'm not taking anything away from Rome or Deadwood or The Wire (debatable as best show in last 20 years), but to ignore WWs initial transformation is just silly.Breaking Bad's first season was probably the worst of the run. I wasn't fully hooked until season 2 or 3
Crazy Handful of Nothin' has to be ranked as one of the best single episodes of television ever made.BB hooked me at the Tuco chemistry crystal bomb scene
The show is up there IMO